The excursions
package can also be used to analyze
results obtained using inlabru
. An advantage with
is that it usually simplifies the model
specification compared with plain INLA
. To analyze
outputs, the functions
, simconf.inla
can be used. Let us illustrate this using
simulated data.
Let us generate some data
n.lattice <- 30
x <- seq(from = 0, to = 10, length.out = n.lattice)
lattice <- fm_lattice_2d(x = x, y = x)
mesh <- fm_rcdt_2d_inla(lattice = lattice, extend = FALSE, refine = FALSE)
sigma2.e <- 0.1
n.obs <- 100
obs.loc <- cbind(runif(n.obs) * diff(range(x)) + min(x),
runif(n.obs) * diff(range(x)) + min(x))
Q <- fm_matern_precision(mesh, alpha = 2, rho = 3, sigma = 1)
x <- fm_sample(n = 1, Q = Q)
A <- fm_basis(mesh, loc = obs.loc)
Y <- as.vector(A %*% x + rnorm(n.obs) * sqrt(sigma2.e))
We now fit the model using rSPDE
. If we want to obtain an excursion set of the
linear predictor evaluated at the mesh, the simplest option is to define
a likelihood component in the bru
call which contains
observations at the mesh locations. We then give this
component a tag (pred
below) so that we can access these
rspde_model <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh, nu = 1.5)
data <- data.frame(x1 = obs.loc[,1], x2 = obs.loc[,2], y = Y)
coordinates(data) <- c("x1","x2")
#data for prediction locations
data.prd <- data.frame(x1 = mesh$loc[,1],
x2 = mesh$loc[,2],
y = rep(NA, dim(mesh$loc)[1]))
coordinates(data.prd) <- c("x1","x2")
cmp <- y ~ Intercept(1) + field(coordinates, model = rspde_model)
result_bru <- bru(~ Intercept(1) + field(coordinates, model = rspde_model),
like(y~., family = "normal", data = data),
like(y~., family = "normal", data = data.prd, tag = "prd"),
num.threads = "1:1"))
We can now compute excursion sets using the
function. As no stack object is constructed
when using inlabru
, we use the argument
name = "APredictor"
to tell the function that we are
interested in the linear predictor. We then use the
function to obtain the indices for the relevant
part of the predictor. In this case, we want the indices which
correspond to the likelihood component which we gave the tag
above, so the call looks as follows.
res.qc_bru <- excursions.inla(result_bru, name = "APredictor",
ind = bru_index(result_bru, "prd"),
alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
method = "QC", type = ">",
prune.ind = TRUE,
max.threads = 2)
Note that we here set prune.ind = TRUE
which tells the
function that we want the result object only evaluated at the indices
specified by the ind
argument. We can now obtain a
continuous domain representation through the continuous
sets <- continuous(res.qc_bru, mesh, alpha = 0.1)
Finally, we can plot the results
cmap.F <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Greens"))(100)
proj <- fm_evaluator(sets$F.geometry, dims = c(300,200))
image(proj$x, proj$y, fm_evaluate(proj, field = sets$F),
col = cmap.F, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1,
main = "excursion function")
comparison of the different types of approximations
Above we used the QC
method to compute the set. Let us
now try the other available options and compare their timings and
t.EB <- system.time(
res.EB <- excursions.inla(result_bru, name = "APredictor",
ind = bru_index(result_bru, "prd"),
alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
method = "EB", type = ">",
prune.ind = TRUE,
max.threads =2 ))
t.QC <- system.time(
res.QC <- excursions.inla(result_bru, name = "APredictor",
ind = bru_index(result_bru, "prd"),
alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
method = "QC", type = ">",
prune.ind = TRUE,
max.threads =2 ))
t.NI <- system.time(
res.NI <- excursions.inla(result_bru, name = "APredictor",
ind = bru_index(result_bru, "prd"),
alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
method = "NI", type = ">",
prune.ind = TRUE,
max.threads =2))
t.NIQC <- system.time(
res.NIQC <- excursions.inla(result_bru, name = "APredictor",
ind = bru_index(result_bru, "prd"),
alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
method = "NIQC", type = ">",
prune.ind = TRUE,
max.threads =2))
The computation time for the different methods are
print(data.frame(time = c(t.EB[3], t.QC[3], t.NI[3], t.NIQC[3]),
row.names = c("EB", "QC", "NI", "NIQC")))
#> time
#> EB 3.821
#> QC 3.981
#> NI 37.629
#> NIQC 42.367
We can see that the EB
and QC
methods have
similar computation times and that NI
and NIQC
take longer. Let us now plot the corresponding sets, we start with the
image(proj$x, proj$y, fm_evaluate(proj,
field = continuous(res.EB,
alpha = 0.1)$F),
col = cmap.F, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1,
main = "EB")
Then the QC
image(proj$x, proj$y, fm_evaluate(proj,
field = continuous(res.QC,
alpha = 0.1)$F),
col = cmap.F, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1,
main = "QC")
Then the NI
image(proj$x, proj$y, fm_evaluate(proj,
field = continuous(res.NI,
alpha = 0.1)$F),
col = cmap.F, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1,
main = "NI")
and finally the NIQC
image(proj$x, proj$y, fm_evaluate(proj,
field = continuous(res.NIQC,
alpha = 0.1)$F),
col = cmap.F, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1,
main = "NIQC")