These are configurations for ngme
optimization process.
seed = Sys.time(),
burnin = 100,
iterations = 500,
estimation = TRUE,
standardize_fixed = TRUE,
stop_points = 10,
iters_per_check = iterations/stop_points,
optimizer = adam(),
n_parallel_chain = 4,
max_num_threads = n_parallel_chain,
exchange_VW = TRUE,
n_slope_check = 3,
std_lim = 0.01,
trend_lim = 0.01,
print_check_info = FALSE,
max_relative_step = 0.5,
max_absolute_step = 0.5,
converge_eps = 1e-05,
rao_blackwellization = FALSE,
n_trace_iter = 10,
sampling_strategy = "all",
verbose = FALSE
set the seed for pesudo random number generator
interations for burn-in periods (before optimization)
optimization iterations
run the estimation process (call C++ in backend)
whether or not standardize the fixed effect
number of stop points for convergence check (or specify iters_per_check)
run how many iterations between each check point (or specify stop_points)
choose different sgd optimization method, currently support "precond_sgd", "momentum", "adagrad", "rmsprop", "adam", "adamW" see precond_sgd, ?momentum, ?adagrad, ?rmsprop, ?adam, ?adamW
number of parallel chains
maximum number of threads used for parallel computing, by default will be set same as n_parallel_chain. If it is more than n_parallel_chain, the rest will be used to parallel different replicates of the model.
exchange last V and W in each chian
number of stop points for regression
maximum allowed standard deviation
maximum allowed slope
print the convergence information
max relative step allowed in 1 iteration
max absolute step allowed in 1 iteration
convergence threshold, test if grad.norm() < converge_eps
use rao_blackwellization
use how many iterations to approximate the trace (Hutchinson’s trick)
subsampling method of replicates of model, c("all", "is") "all" means using all replicates in each iteration, "ws" means weighted sampling (each iteration use 1 replicate to compute the gradient, the sample probability is proption to its number of observations)
print estimation
list of control variables
To enable convergence check, we need multiple chains running.
We compare the trend of the estimated parameter of length
(linear regression) with trend_lim
We compare the standard devation of estimated parameters (in different chains)
with std_lim.