ngme2 pacakge description |
ngme2 |
Fit the linear mixed effects model |
Fit an additive linear mixed effect model over replicates |
Summary of ngme fit result |
ngme fit result |
variance of the data or the latent field |
posterior samples of different latent models |
Latent models |
Show ngme model types |
Specifying a latent process model (wrapper function for each model) |
ngme AR(1) model specification |
ngme Matern SPDE model specification |
ngme random walk model of order 1 |
ngme random walk model of order 2 |
ngme Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process specification |
ngme iid model specification |
ngme tensor-product model specification |
Ngme bivariate model specification |
Ngme bivariate model specification on operator (theta=0) |
Ngme bivariate model specification (theta=0) |
ngme random effect model |
ngme2 noises |
ngme noise specification |
Show ngme noise types |
ngme2 optimization methods |
Preconditioner SGD optimization |
Momentum SGD optimization |
AdaGrad SGD optimization |
Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) SGD optimization |
Adam SGD optimization |
AdamW SGD optimization |
BFGS optimization |
Prediction and Cross validation |
Predict function of ngme2 predict using ngme after estimation |
Compute the cross-validation for the ngme model Perform cross-validation for ngme model first into sub_groups (a list of target, and train data) |
Data visualization |
plot the density of noise (for stationary) |
Trace plot of ngme fitting |
Simulation functions |
Simulate from a ngme object (possibly with replicates) |
Simulate latent process with noise |
Simulate ngme noise object |
Auxiliary functions |
Compute the precision matrix for multivariate model |
Compute the precision matrix for multivariate spde Matern model |
Helper function to compute the index_corr vector |
taking mean over a list of nested lists |
Convert sparse matrix into sparse dgCMatrix |
Generate control specifications for |
Generate control specifications for the ngme general model |
Generate control specifications for |
Parse the formula for ngme function |
Make observation matrix for time series |
Print an ngme model |
Print ngme model |
Print ngme operator |
Print ngme object |
Print ngme noise |
ngme prior specification |
Show ngme priors |
Test ngme function |
ngme make mesh for different replicates |
Distributions |
The Inverse-Gaussian (IG) Distribution |
The Normal Inverse-Gaussian (NIG) Distribution |
The Inverse-Gamma (IGam) Distribution |
The Generalised Inverse-Gaussian (GIG) Distribution |
The Generalized Asymmetric Laplace (GAL) Distribution |
Datasets |
Argo float dataset |
The swamp of Cienaga Grande in Santa Marta, Colombia |
The x y location of the border of the swamp of Cienaga Grande in Santa Marta, Colombia |