Predict function of ngme2 predict using ngme after estimation
a ngme object
a named list (or dataframe) of the locations to make the prediction
a data.frame or matrix of covariates (used for fixed effects) names(loc) corresponding to the name each latent model vector or matrix (n * 2) for spatial coords
what type of prediction, c("fe", "lp", <model_name>) "fe" is fixed effect prediction <model_name> is prediction of a specific model "lp" is linear predictor (including fixed effect and all sub-models)
which filed to predict (used for bivariate model, should be of same length as map)
what type of estimator, c("mean", "median", "mode", "quantile")
size of posterior sampling
size of posterior burnin
quantile if using "quantile"
random seed
extra argument from 0 to 1 if using "quantile"
a list of outputs contains estimation of operator paramters, noise parameters