Rational approximation of the Matern fields on intervals and metric graphs
The function is used for computing an approximation, which can be used for inference and simulation, of the fractional SPDE $$(\kappa^2 - \Delta)^{\alpha/2} (\tau u(s)) = W$$ on intervals or metric graphs. Here \(W\) is Gaussian white noise, \(\kappa\) controls the range, \(\alpha = \nu + 1/2\) with \(\nu>0\) controls the smoothness and \(\tau\) is related to the marginal variances through $$\sigma^2 = \frac{\Gamma(\nu)}{\tau^2\Gamma(\alpha)2\sqrt{\pi}\kappa^{2\nu}}.$$
- graph
Metric graph object. The default is NULL, which means that a stationary Matern model on the line is created.
- loc
Locations where to evaluate the model.
- bc
Specifies the boundary conditions. The default is "free" which gives stationary Matern models on intervals. Other options are "Neumann" or "Dirichlet".
- kappa
Range parameter
- range
practical correlation range
- nu
Smoothness parameter
- sigma
Standard deviation
- tau
Precision parameter
- alpha
Smoothness parameter
- m
The order of the approximation
- parameterization
Which parameterization to use?
uses range, std. deviation and nu (smoothness).spde
uses kappa, tau and alpha. The default ismatern
.- type_rational_approximation
Method used to compute the coefficients of the rational approximation.
- type_interp
Interpolation method for the rational coefficients.
s <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 101)
kappa <- 20
sigma <- 2
nu <- 0.8
r <- sqrt(8*nu)/kappa #range parameter
op_cov <- matern.rational(loc = s, nu = nu, range = r, sigma = sigma, m = 2,
parameterization = "matern")
cov.true <- matern.covariance(abs(s-s[1]), kappa = kappa, sigma = sigma, nu = nu)
cov.approx <- op_cov$covariance(ind = 1)
plot(s, cov.true)
lines(s, cov.approx, col = 2)