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In this vignette we will present the inlabru implementation of the covariance-based rational SPDE approach. For further technical details on the covariance-based approach, see the Rational approximation with the rSPDE package vignette and Bolin, Simas, and Xiong (2023).

We begin by providing a step-by-step illustration on how to use our implementation. To this end we will consider a real world data set that consists of precipitation measurements from the Paraná region in Brazil.

After the initial model fitting, we will show how to change some parameters of the model. In the end, we will also provide an example in which we have replicates.

The examples in this vignette are the same as those in the R-INLA implementation of the rational SPDE approach vignette. As in that case, it is important to mention that one can improve the performance by using the PARDISO solver. Please, go to to apply for a license. Also, use inla.pardiso() for instructions on how to enable the PARDISO sparse library.

An example with real data

To illustrate our implementation of rSPDE in inlabru we will consider a dataset available in R-INLA. This data has also been used to illustrate the SPDE approach, see for instance the book Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA and also the vignette Spatial Statistics using R-INLA and Gaussian Markov random fields. See also Lindgren, Rue, and Lindström (2011) for theoretical details on the standard SPDE approach.

The data consist of precipitation measurements from the Paraná region in Brazil and were provided by the Brazilian National Water Agency. The data were collected at 616 gauge stations in Paraná state, south of Brazil, for each day in 2011.

An rSPDE model for precipitation

We will follow the vignette Spatial Statistics using R-INLA and Gaussian Markov random fields. As precipitation data are always positive, we will assume it is Gamma distributed. R-INLA uses the following parameterization of the Gamma distribution, Γ(μ,ϕ):π(y)=1Γ(ϕ)(ϕμ)ϕyϕ1exp(ϕyμ).\Gamma(\mu, \phi): \pi (y) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(\phi)} \left(\frac{\phi}{\mu}\right)^{\phi} y^{\phi - 1} \exp\left(-\frac{\phi y}{\mu}\right) . In this parameterization, the distribution has expected value E(x)=μE(x) = \mu and variance V(x)=μ2/ϕV(x) = \mu^2/\phi, where 1/ϕ1/\phi is a dispersion parameter.

In this example μ\mu will be modelled using a stochastic model that includes both covariates and spatial structure, resulting in the latent Gaussian model for the precipitation measurements yiμ(si),θΓ(μ(si),cϕ)log(μ(s))=η(s)=kfk(ck(s))+u(s)θπ(θ),\begin{align} y_i\mid \mu(s_i), \theta &\sim \Gamma(\mu(s_i),c\phi)\\ \log (\mu(s)) &= \eta(s) = \sum_k f_k(c_k(s))+u(s)\\ \theta &\sim \pi(\theta) \end{align},

where yiy_i denotes the measurement taken at location sis_i, ck(s)c_k(s) are covariates, u(s)u(s) is a mean-zero Gaussian Matérn field, and θ\theta is a vector containing all parameters of the model, including smoothness of the field. That is, by using the rSPDE model we will also be able to estimate the smoothness of the latent field.

Examining the data

We will be using inlabru. The inlabru package is available on CRAN and also on GitHub.

We begin by loading some libraries we need to get the data and build the plots.

Let us load the data and the border of the region


The data frame contains daily measurements at 616 stations for the year 2011, as well as coordinates and altitude information for the measurement stations. We will not analyze the full spatio-temporal data set, but instead look at the total precipitation in January, which we calculate as

Y <- rowMeans(PRprec[, 3 + 1:31])

In the next snippet of code, we extract the coordinates and altitudes and remove the locations with missing values.

ind <- !
Y <- Y[ind]
coords <- as.matrix(PRprec[ind, 1:2])
alt <- PRprec$Altitude[ind]

Let us build a plot for the precipitations:

ggplot() +
    x = coords[, 1], y = coords[, 2],
    colour = Y
  ), size = 2, alpha = 1) +
  geom_path(aes(x = PRborder[, 1], y = PRborder[, 2])) +
  geom_path(aes(x = PRborder[1034:1078, 1], y = PRborder[
  ]), colour = "red") + 

The red line in the figure shows the coast line, and we expect the distance to the coast to be a good covariate for precipitation.

This covariate is not available, so let us calculate it for each observation location:

seaDist <- apply(spDists(coords, PRborder[1034:1078, ],
  longlat = TRUE
), 1, min)

Now, let us plot the precipitation as a function of the possible covariates:

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(coords[, 1], Y, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Longitude")
plot(coords[, 2], Y, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Latitude")
plot(seaDist, Y, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Distance to sea")
plot(alt, Y, cex = 0.5, xlab = "Altitude")

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

Creating the rSPDE model

To use the inlabru implementation of the rSPDE model we need to load the functions:

To create a rSPDE model, one would the rspde.matern() function in a similar fashion as one would use the inla.spde2.matern() function.


We can use fm_mesh_2d() function from the fmesher package for creating the mesh. Let us create a mesh which is based on a non-convex hull to avoid adding many small triangles outside the domain of interest:


prdomain <- fm_nonconvex_hull(coords, -0.03, -0.05, resolution = c(100, 100))
prmesh <- fm_mesh_2d(boundary = prdomain, max.edge = c(0.45, 1), cutoff = 0.2)
plot(prmesh, asp = 1, main = "")
lines(PRborder, col = 3)
points(coords[, 1], coords[, 2], pch = 19, cex = 0.5, col = "red")

Setting up the data frame

In place of a inla.stack, we can set up a data.frame() to use inlabru. We refer the reader to vignettes in for further details.

prdata <- data.frame(long = coords[,1], lat = coords[,2], 
                        seaDist =, y = Y)
coordinates(prdata) <- c("long","lat")

Setting up the rSPDE model

To set up an rSPDEmodel, all we need is the mesh. By default it will assume that we want to estimate the smoothness parameter ν\nu and to do a covariance-based rational approximation of order 2.

Later in this vignette we will also see other options for setting up rSPDE models such as keeping the smoothness parameter fixed and/or increasing the order of the covariance-based rational approximation.

Therefore, to set up a model all we have to do is use the rspde.matern() function:

rspde_model <- rspde.matern(mesh = prmesh)

Notice that this function is very reminiscent of R-INLA’s inla.spde2.matern() function.

We will assume the following linkage between model components and observations η(s)Ax(s)+A Intercept+seaDist.\eta(s) \sim A x(s) + A \text{ Intercept} + \text{seaDist}.η(s)\eta(s) will then be used in the observation-likelihood, yiη(si),θΓ(exp(η(si)),cϕ).y_i\mid \eta(s_i),\theta \sim \Gamma(\exp(\eta (s_i)), c\phi).

Model fitting

We will build a model using the distance to the sea xix_i as a covariate through an improper CAR(1) model with βij=1(ij)\beta_{ij}=1(i\sim j), which R-INLA calls a random walk of order 1. We will fit it in inlabru’s style:

cmp <- y ~ Intercept(1) + distSea(seaDist, model="rw1") +
field(coordinates, model = rspde_model)

To fit the model we simply use the bru() function:

rspde_fit <- bru(cmp, data = prdata,
  family = "Gamma",
  options = list(
    control.inla = list(int.strategy = "eb"),
    verbose = FALSE)

inlabru results

We can look at some summaries of the posterior distributions for the parameters, for example the fixed effects (i.e. the intercept) and the hyper-parameters (i.e. dispersion in the gamma likelihood, the precision of the RW1, and the parameters of the spatial field):

## inlabru version: 2.11.1
## INLA version: 24.06.27
## Components:
## Intercept: main = linear(1), group = exchangeable(1L), replicate = iid(1L)
## distSea: main = rw1(seaDist), group = exchangeable(1L), replicate = iid(1L)
## field: main = cgeneric(coordinates), group = exchangeable(1L), replicate = iid(1L)
## Likelihoods:
##   Family: 'Gamma'
##     Data class: 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
##     Predictor: y ~ .
## Time used:
##     Pre = 0.56, Running = 21.5, Post = 0.151, Total = 22.2 
## Fixed effects:
##            mean    sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant  mode kld
## Intercept 1.944 0.047      1.852    1.944      2.036 1.944   0
## Random effects:
##   Name     Model
##     distSea RW1 model
##    field CGeneric
## Model hyperparameters:
##                                                    mean       sd 0.025quant
## Precision-parameter for the Gamma observations   13.933    1.009     12.073
## Precision for distSea                          8021.634 5131.496   2351.521
## Theta1 for field                                 -0.135    1.235     -2.330
## Theta2 for field                                  1.058    0.538     -0.062
## Theta3 for field                                 -1.816    0.895     -3.725
##                                                0.5quant 0.975quant     mode
## Precision-parameter for the Gamma observations   13.889      16.05   13.787
## Precision for distSea                          6715.669   21559.12 4831.234
## Theta1 for field                                 -0.205       2.50   -0.547
## Theta2 for field                                  1.079       2.05    1.173
## Theta3 for field                                 -1.766      -0.22   -1.526
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: 2487.73
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 710.96
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 99.37
## Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) ...: 2492.50
## Effective number of parameters .................: 90.39
## Marginal log-Likelihood:  -1259.59 
##  is computed 
## Posterior summaries for the linear predictor and the fitted values are computed
## (Posterior marginals needs also 'control.compute=list(return.marginals.predictor=TRUE)')

Let θ1=Theta1\theta_1 = \textrm{Theta1}, θ2=Theta2\theta_2=\textrm{Theta2} and θ3=Theta3\theta_3=\textrm{Theta3}. In terms of the SPDE (κ2IΔ)α/2(τu)=𝒲,(\kappa^2 I - \Delta)^{\alpha/2}(\tau u) = \mathcal{W}, where α=ν+d/2\alpha = \nu + d/2, we have that τ=exp(θ1),κ=exp(θ2),\tau = \exp(\theta_1),\quad \kappa = \exp(\theta_2), and by default ν=4(exp(θ3)1+exp(θ3)).\nu = 4\Big(\frac{\exp(\theta_3)}{1+\exp(\theta_3)}\Big). The number 4 comes from the upper bound for ν\nu, which is discussed in R-INLA implementation of the rational SPDE approach vignette.

In general, we have ν=νUB(exp(θ3)1+exp(θ3)),\nu = \nu_{UB}\Big(\frac{\exp(\theta_3)}{1+\exp(\theta_3)}\Big), where νUB\nu_{UB} is the value of the upper bound for the smoothness parameter ν\nu.

Another choice for prior for ν\nu is a truncated lognormal distribution and is also discussed in R-INLA implementation of the rational SPDE approach vignette.

inlabru results in the original scale

We can obtain outputs with respect to parameters in the original scale by using the function rspde.result():

result_fit <- rspde.result(rspde_fit, "field", 
##           mean       sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant     mode
## tau   2.025850 4.258980   0.098929 0.795001   11.91070 0.228593
## kappa 3.308450 1.771540   0.950855 2.960400    7.73174 2.230900
## nu    0.683146 0.446813   0.096064 0.592633    1.76880 0.305060

We can also plot the posterior densities. To this end we will use the gg_df() function, which creates ggplot2 user-friendly data frames:

posterior_df_fit <- gg_df(result_fit)

ggplot(posterior_df_fit) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free") + labs(y = "Density")

We can also obtain the summary on a different parameterization by setting the parameterization argument on the rspde.result() function:

result_fit_matern <- rspde.result(rspde_fit, "field", 
                rspde_model, parameterization = "matern")
##             mean        sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant     mode
## 0.211792 0.0941976  0.0267973 0.227032   0.364893 0.275900
## range   0.770687 0.2971550  0.3274370 0.725948   1.475740 0.631573
## nu      0.683146 0.4468130  0.0960640 0.592633   1.768800 0.305060

In a similar manner, we can obtain posterior plots on the matern parameterization:

posterior_df_fit_matern <- gg_df(result_fit_matern)

ggplot(posterior_df_fit_matern) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free") + labs(y = "Density")


Let us now obtain predictions (i.e. do kriging) of the expected precipitation on a dense grid in the region.

We begin by creating the grid in which we want to do the predictions. To this end, we can use the fm_evaluator() function:

nxy <- c(150, 100)
projgrid <- fm_evaluator(prmesh,
  xlim = range(PRborder[, 1]),
  ylim = range(PRborder[, 2]), dims = nxy

This lattice contains 150 × 100 locations. One can easily change the resolution of the kriging prediction by changing nxy. Let us find the cells that are outside the region of interest so that we do not plot the estimates there. <- inout(projgrid$lattice$loc, cbind(PRborder[, 1], PRborder[, 2]))

Let us plot the locations that we will do prediction:

coord.prd <- projgrid$lattice$loc[, ]
plot(coord.prd, type = "p", cex = 0.1)
points(coords[, 1], coords[, 2], pch = 19, cex = 0.5, col = "red")

Let us now create a data.frame() of the coordinates:

coord.prd.df <- data.frame(x1 = coord.prd[,1],
                            x2 = coord.prd[,2])
coordinates(coord.prd.df) <- c("x1", "x2")

Since we are using distance to the sea as a covariate, we also have to calculate this covariate for the prediction locations. Finally, we add the prediction location to our prediction data.frame(), namely, coord.prd.df:

seaDist.prd <- apply(spDists(coord.prd,
  PRborder[1034:1078, ],
  longlat = TRUE
), 1, min)
coord.prd.df$seaDist <- seaDist.prd
pred_obs <- predict(rspde_fit, coord.prd.df, 
        ~exp(Intercept + field + distSea))

Let us now build the data frame with the results:

pred_df <- pred_obs@data
pred_df <- cbind(pred_df, pred_obs@coords)

Finally, we plot the results. First the predicted mean:

ggplot(pred_df, aes(x = x1, y = x2, fill = mean)) +
  geom_raster() +

Then, the std. deviations:

ggplot(pred_df, aes(x = x1, y = x2, fill = sd)) +
  geom_raster() + scale_fill_viridis()

An example with replicates

For this example we will simulate a data with replicates. We will use the same example considered in the Rational approximation with the rSPDE package vignette (the only difference is the way the data is organized). We also refer the reader to this vignette for a description of the function matern.operators(), along with its methods (for instance, the simulate() method).

Simulating the data

Let us consider a simple Gaussian linear model with 30 independent replicates of a latent spatial field x(𝐬)x(\mathbf{s}), observed at the same mm locations, {𝐬1,,𝐬m}\{\mathbf{s}_1 , \ldots , \mathbf{s}_m \}, for each replicate. For each i=1,,m,i = 1,\ldots,m, we have

yi=x1(𝐬i)+εi,=yi+29m=x30(𝐬i)+εi+29m,\begin{align} y_i &= x_1(\mathbf{s}_i)+\varepsilon_i,\\ \vdots &= \vdots\\ y_{i+29m} &= x_{30}(\mathbf{s}_i) + \varepsilon_{i+29m}, \end{align}

where ε1,,ε30m\varepsilon_1,\ldots,\varepsilon_{30m} are iid normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.

We use the basis function representation of x()x(\cdot) to define the AA matrix linking the point locations to the mesh. We also need to account for the fact that we have 30 replicates at the same locations. To this end, the AA matrix we need can be generated by spde.make.A() function. The reason being that we are sampling x()x(\cdot) directly and not the latent vector described in the introduction of the Rational approximation with the rSPDE package vignette.

We begin by creating the mesh:

m <- 200
loc_2d_mesh <- matrix(runif(m * 2), m, 2)
mesh_2d <- fm_mesh_2d(
  loc = loc_2d_mesh,
  cutoff = 0.05,
  offset = c(0.1, 0.4),
  max.edge = c(0.05, 0.5)
plot(mesh_2d, main = "")
points(loc_2d_mesh[, 1], loc_2d_mesh[, 2])

We then compute the AA matrix, which is needed for simulation, and connects the observation locations to the mesh. To this end we will use the spde.make.A() helper function, which is a wrapper that uses the functions fm_basis(), fm_block() and fm_row_kron() from the fmesher package.

n.rep <- 30
A <- spde.make.A(
  mesh = mesh_2d,
  loc = loc_2d_mesh,
  index = rep(1:m, times = n.rep),
  repl = rep(1:n.rep, each = m)

Notice that for the simulated data, we should use the AA matrix from spde.make.A() function instead of the rspde.make.A().

We will now simulate a latent process with standard deviation σ=1\sigma=1 and range 0.10.1. We will use ν=0.5\nu=0.5 so that the model has an exponential covariance function. To this end we create a model object with the matern.operators() function:

nu <- 0.5
sigma <- 1
range <- 0.1
kappa <- sqrt(8 * nu) / range
tau <- sqrt(gamma(nu) / (sigma^2 * kappa^(2 * nu) * (4 * pi) * gamma(nu + 1)))
d <- 2
operator_information <- matern.operators(
  mesh = mesh_2d,
  nu = nu,
  range = range,
  sigma = sigma,
  m = 2,
  parameterization = "matern"

More details on this function can be found at the Rational approximation with the rSPDE package vignette.

To simulate the latent process all we need to do is to use the simulate() method on the operator_information object. We then obtain the simulated data yy by connecting with the AA matrix and adding the gaussian noise.

u <- simulate(operator_information, nsim = n.rep)
y <- as.vector(A %*% as.vector(u)) +
  rnorm(m * n.rep) * 0.1

The first replicate of the simulated random field as well as the observation locations are shown in the following figure.

proj <- fm_evaluator(mesh_2d, dims = c(100, 100))

df_field <- data.frame(x = proj$lattice$loc[,1],
                        y = proj$lattice$loc[,2],
                        field = as.vector(fm_evaluate(proj, 
                        field = as.vector(u[, 1]))),
                        type = "field")

df_loc <- data.frame(x = loc_2d_mesh[, 1],
                      y = loc_2d_mesh[, 2],
                      field = y[1:m],
                      type = "locations")
df_plot <- rbind(df_field, df_loc)

ggplot(df_plot) + aes(x = x, y = y, fill = field) +
        facet_wrap(~type) + xlim(0,1) + ylim(0,1) + 
        geom_raster(data = df_field) +
        geom_point(data = df_loc, aes(colour = field),
        show.legend = FALSE) + 
        scale_fill_viridis() + scale_colour_viridis()

Fitting the inlabru rSPDE model

Let us then use the rational SPDE approach to fit the data.

We begin by creating the model object.

rspde_model.rep <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh_2d,
          parameterization = "spde") 

Let us now create the data.frame() and the vector with the replicates indexes:

rep.df <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = rep(loc_2d_mesh[,1], n.rep),
                      x2 = rep(loc_2d_mesh[,2], n.rep))
coordinates(rep.df) <- c("x1", "x2")
repl <- rep(1:n.rep, each=m)

Let us create the component and fit. It is extremely important not to forget the replicate when fitting model with the bru() function. It will not produce warning and might fit some meaningless model.

cmp.rep <-
  y ~ -1 + field(coordinates,
    model = rspde_model.rep,
    replicate = repl

rspde_fit.rep <-
    data = rep.df,
    family = "gaussian"

We can get the summary:

## inlabru version: 2.11.1
## INLA version: 24.06.27
## Components:
## field: main = cgeneric(coordinates), group = exchangeable(1L), replicate = iid(repl)
## Likelihoods:
##   Family: 'gaussian'
##     Data class: 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
##     Predictor: y ~ .
## Time used:
##     Pre = 0.323, Running = 164, Post = 9.44, Total = 174 
## Random effects:
##   Name     Model
##     field CGeneric
## Model hyperparameters:
##                                          mean    sd 0.025quant 0.5quant
## Precision for the Gaussian observations 92.89 4.670      83.81    92.85
## Theta1 for field                        -2.82 0.230      -3.26    -2.82
## Theta2 for field                         3.09 0.052       2.98     3.09
## Theta3 for field                        -1.74 0.112      -1.97    -1.74
##                                         0.975quant  mode
## Precision for the Gaussian observations     102.19 92.94
## Theta1 for field                             -2.36 -2.84
## Theta2 for field                              3.19  3.09
## Theta3 for field                             -1.53 -1.73
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -5257.71
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 10907.68
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 4902.87
## Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) ...: -6369.35
## Effective number of parameters .................: 2773.29
## Marginal log-Likelihood:  -4776.95 
##  is computed 
## Posterior summaries for the linear predictor and the fitted values are computed
## (Posterior marginals needs also 'control.compute=list(return.marginals.predictor=TRUE)')

and the summary in the user’s scale:

result_fit_rep <- rspde.result(rspde_fit.rep, "field", rspde_model.rep)
##             mean       sd 0.025quant   0.5quant 0.975quant       mode
## tau    0.0611462 0.014275  0.0384862  0.0592769  0.0942941  0.0555488
## kappa 21.9520000 1.129600 19.7868000 21.9363000 24.2205000 21.9207000
## nu     0.5985140 0.056273  0.4916910  0.5975060  0.7123410  0.5967940
result_df <- data.frame(
  parameter = c("tau", "kappa", "nu"),
  true = c(tau, kappa, nu),
  mean = c(
  mode = c(
##   parameter        true        mean        mode
## 1       tau  0.08920621  0.06114624  0.05554878
## 2     kappa 20.00000000 21.95200697 21.92073210
## 3        nu  0.50000000  0.59851361  0.59679420

Let us also obtain the summary on the matern parameterization:

result_fit_rep_matern <- rspde.result(rspde_fit.rep, "field", rspde_model.rep, 
                          parameterization = "matern")
##              mean         sd 0.025quant  0.5quant 0.975quant      mode
## 1.0492400 0.03589130   0.957237 1.0576200   1.097540 1.0681800
## range   0.0997823 0.00418078   0.091812 0.0996863   0.108367 0.0995195
## nu      0.5985140 0.05627300   0.491691 0.5975060   0.712341 0.5967940
result_df_matern <- data.frame(
  parameter = c("std_dev", "range", "nu"),
  true = c(sigma, range, nu),
  mean = c(
  mode = c(
##   parameter true       mean      mode
## 1   std_dev  1.0 1.04923571 0.5967942
## 2     range  0.1 0.09978233 0.5967942
## 3        nu  0.5 0.59851361 0.5967942

An example with a non-stationary model

Our goal now is to show how one can fit model with non-stationary σ\sigma (std. deviation) and non-stationary ρ\rho (a range parameter). One can also use the parameterization in terms of non-stationary SPDE parameters κ\kappa and τ\tau.

For this example we will consider simulated data.

Simulating the data

Let us consider a simple Gaussian linear model with a latent spatial field x(𝐬)x(\mathbf{s}), defined on the rectangle (0,10)×(0,5)(0,10) \times (0,5), where the std. deviation and range parameter satisfy the following log-linear regressions: log(σ(𝐬))=θ1+θ3b(𝐬),log(ρ(𝐬))=θ2+θ3b(𝐬),\begin{align} \log(\sigma(\mathbf{s})) &= \theta_1 + \theta_3 b(\mathbf{s}),\\ \log(\rho(\mathbf{s})) &= \theta_2 + \theta_3 b(\mathbf{s}), \end{align} where b(𝐬)=(s15)/10b(\mathbf{s}) = (s_1-5)/10. We assume the data is observed at mm locations, {𝐬1,,𝐬m}\{\mathbf{s}_1 , \ldots , \mathbf{s}_m \}. For each i=1,,m,i = 1,\ldots,m, we have

yi=x1(𝐬i)+εi,y_i = x_1(\mathbf{s}_i)+\varepsilon_i,

where ε1,,εm\varepsilon_1,\ldots,\varepsilon_{m} are iid normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.

We begin by defining the domain and creating the mesh:

rec_domain <- cbind(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0) * 10, c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0) * 5)

mesh <- fm_mesh_2d(loc.domain = rec_domain, cutoff = 0.1, 
  max.edge = c(0.5, 1.5), offset = c(0.5, 1.5))

We follow the same structure as INLA. However, INLA only allows one to specify B.tau and B.kappa matrices, and, in INLA, if one wants to parameterize in terms of range and standard deviation one needs to do it manually. Here we provide the option to directly provide the matrices B.sigma and B.range.

The usage of the matrices B.tau and B.kappa are identical to the corresponding ones in inla.spde2.matern() function. The matrices B.sigma and B.range work in the same way, but they parameterize the stardard deviation and range, respectively.

The columns of the B matrices correspond to the same parameter. The first column does not have any parameter to be estimated, it is a constant column.

So, for instance, if one wants to share a parameter with both sigma and range (or with both tau and kappa), one simply let the corresponding column to be nonzero on both B.sigma and B.range (or on B.tau and B.kappa).

We will assume ν=0.8\nu = 0.8, θ1=0,θ2=1\theta_1 = 0, \theta_2 = 1 and θ3=1\theta_3=1. Let us now build the model to obtain the sample with the spde.matern.operators() function:

nu <- 0.8
true_theta <- c(0,1, 1)
B.sigma = cbind(0, 1, 0, (mesh$loc[,1] - 5) / 10)
B.range = cbind(0, 0, 1, (mesh$loc[,1] - 5) / 10)

# SPDE model
op_cov_ns <- spde.matern.operators(mesh = mesh, 
  theta = true_theta,
  nu = nu,
  B.sigma = B.sigma, 
  B.range = B.range, m = 2,
  parameterization = "matern")

Let us now sample the data with the simulate() method:

u <- as.vector(simulate(op_cov_ns, seed = 123))

Let us now obtain 600 random locations on the rectangle and compute the AA matrix:

m <- 600
loc_mesh <- cbind(runif(m) * 10, runif(m) * 5)

A <- spde.make.A(
  mesh = mesh,
  loc = loc_mesh

We can now generate the response vector y:

y <- as.vector(A %*% as.vector(u)) + rnorm(m) * 0.1

Fitting the inlabru rSPDE model

Let us then use the rational SPDE approach to fit the data.

We begin by creating the model object. We are creating a new one so that we do not start the estimation at the true values.

rspde_model_nonstat <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh,
  B.sigma = B.sigma,
  B.range = B.range,
  parameterization = "matern") 

Let us now create the data.frame() and the vector with the replicates indexes:

nonstat_df <- data.frame(y = y, x1 = loc_mesh[,1],
                      x2 = loc_mesh[,2])
coordinates(nonstat_df) <- c("x1", "x2")

Let us create the component and fit. It is extremely important not to forget the replicate when fitting model with the bru() function. It will not produce warning and might fit some meaningless model.

cmp_nonstat <-
  y ~ -1 + field(coordinates,
    model = rspde_model_nonstat

rspde_fit_nonstat <-
    data = nonstat_df,
    family = "gaussian",
    options = list(verbose = FALSE)

We can get the summary:

## inlabru version: 2.11.1
## INLA version: 24.06.27
## Components:
## field: main = cgeneric(coordinates), group = exchangeable(1L), replicate = iid(1L)
## Likelihoods:
##   Family: 'gaussian'
##     Data class: 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
##     Predictor: y ~ .
## Time used:
##     Pre = 0.211, Running = 47, Post = 0.371, Total = 47.6 
## Random effects:
##   Name     Model
##     field CGeneric
## Model hyperparameters:
##                                            mean     sd 0.025quant 0.5quant
## Precision for the Gaussian observations 104.977 11.131     84.490  104.488
## Theta1 for field                         -0.129  0.121     -0.366   -0.130
## Theta2 for field                          0.788  0.180      0.440    0.786
## Theta3 for field                          1.097  0.221      0.675    1.093
## Theta4 for field                         -1.212  0.177     -1.564   -1.211
##                                         0.975quant    mode
## Precision for the Gaussian observations    128.261 103.713
## Theta1 for field                             0.111  -0.133
## Theta2 for field                             1.147   0.777
## Theta3 for field                             1.543   1.076
## Theta4 for field                            -0.867  -1.205
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) ...............: -742.60
## Deviance Information Criterion (DIC, saturated) ....: 947.50
## Effective number of parameters .....................: 344.54
## Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) ...: -773.57
## Effective number of parameters .................: 236.95
## Marginal log-Likelihood:  -14.27 
##  is computed 
## Posterior summaries for the linear predictor and the fitted values are computed
## (Posterior marginals needs also 'control.compute=list(return.marginals.predictor=TRUE)')

We can obtain outputs with respect to parameters in the original scale by using the function rspde.result():

result_fit_nonstat <- rspde.result(rspde_fit_nonstat, "field", rspde_model_nonstat)
##                    mean       sd 0.025quant  0.5quant 0.975quant      mode
## Theta1.matern -0.129115 0.121238  -0.365856 -0.129777    0.11150 -0.132546
## Theta2.matern  0.787634 0.179565   0.440192  0.785588    1.14718  0.776885
## Theta3.matern  1.097350 0.220503   0.675453  1.093300    1.54343  1.075680
## nu             0.923428 0.124180   0.694372  0.918618    1.18077  0.909884

Let us compare the mean to the true values of the parameters:

summ_res_nonstat <- summary(result_fit_nonstat)
result_df <- data.frame(
  parameter = result_fit_nonstat$params,
  true = c(true_theta, nu),
  mean = summ_res_nonstat[,1],
  mode = summ_res_nonstat[,6]
##       parameter true      mean      mode
## 1 Theta1.matern  0.0 -0.129115 -0.132546
## 2 Theta2.matern  1.0  0.787634  0.776885
## 3 Theta3.matern  1.0  1.097350  1.075680
## 4            nu  0.8  0.923428  0.909884

We can also plot the posterior densities. To this end we will use the gg_df() function, which creates ggplot2 user-friendly data frames:

posterior_df_fit <- gg_df(result_fit_nonstat)

ggplot(posterior_df_fit) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free") + labs(y = "Density")

Comparing the results by cross-validation

We can compare the models fitted by inlabru by using the function cross_validation(). To illustrate, we will consider the nonstationary model rspde_fit_nonstat fitted in the previous example and a stationary fit of the same dataset.

Let us, then, fit a stationary model with the previous dataset. We start by defining the stationary model:

rspde_model_stat <- rspde.matern(mesh = mesh)

Then, inlabru’s component:

cmp_stat <-
  y ~ -1 + field(coordinates,
    model = rspde_model_stat

We can now fit the model:

rspde_fit_stat <-
    data = nonstat_df,
    family = "gaussian",
    options = list(verbose = FALSE)

To perform cross-validation, we create a list with the fitted models, and we pass this list to the cross_validation() function. It is also important to create a named list, so that the output has meaningful names for the models. We will perform a leave percentage out cross-validation, with the default that fits the model on 20% of the data, to predict 80% of the data.

Let us create the models list:

models <- list(stationary = rspde_fit_stat, 
                nonstationary = rspde_fit_nonstat)

We will now run the cross-validation on the models above. We set the cv_type to lpo to perform the leave percentage out cross-validation, there are also the k-fold (default) and loo options to perform k-fold and leave one out cross-validations, respectively. Observe that by default we are performing a pseudo cross-validation, that is, we will not refit the model for each fold, however only the training data will be used to perform the prediction.

cv_result <- cross_validation(models, cv_type = "lpo", print = FALSE)
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.5374384496  2.4784371624 -1.4697469269  2.2660738319  0.0891323305
##   [6]  0.4107074316  2.0013010075  0.2444013318 -0.6589689843  1.3103623454
##  [11]  0.6986495286  1.1483198530  1.2963476414  2.5610335069  0.4261117342
##  [16]  1.2872090466  1.5384335160 -0.0945986304  0.2627751753 -0.7426957927
##  [21]  0.5100312939  1.0491793810  0.2252735154  0.0457342110 -0.0142939462
##  [26]  1.9887446938  1.4825073703  2.3755654010 -0.3574352472  1.6427366595
##  [31]  1.3296347014 -0.0024886837  0.0974233661  2.3689520022 -0.0006209654
##  [36]  0.3055075621 -0.6633833414  0.9270318431  0.6111675095  0.0294475967
##  [41]  0.1177695202  0.0133957092  0.8663405042  1.7463856315  0.1100284745
##  [46]  0.0006467918  2.2887683256  1.7174514475 -0.0797455108  2.5373883140
##  [51]  1.4965863978  1.3935523424 -0.7415585220  0.4538356464 -0.0449025706
##  [56]  0.4715554886  0.6852309527  0.6811530069  2.1130617434 -0.1393513590
##  [61]  1.5005172456  0.9520778746  0.0188969995  0.1410569205  1.4911590485
##  [66]  0.3001542539  0.8494503300 -0.2823511613  0.0011067876  1.2655135138
##  [71]  1.3631643111  3.0424718703  0.2172431826  1.1527376773  1.2082638906
##  [76]  0.0818240571  0.4414046771  0.9517304875  0.2563988472  2.1922190936
##  [81] -0.7670771055 -0.3050926664  1.1281971531  2.1938022768  2.8655361788
##  [86]  1.5903791612 -0.0474320080  1.0851325547  0.6379348398  0.2214363677
##  [91]  2.2675835467  2.0684679577 -0.5199408157  0.1255301487  2.4889766752
##  [96] -0.1162922867 -0.8920458112  1.2494583521  0.0226624203  0.6934784555
## [101]  1.5497719217  0.5665203039  1.8632271096  0.9058215384  1.8675396257
## [106]  1.7118369191  0.5017929706 -0.0561288210  0.2198228103  2.1270479473
## [111]  0.2484250884  0.2102031710  0.3196198070 -0.2515045084  1.4041525222
## [116]  2.1621779159 -0.3487977502  1.1909537111  3.0760798038  0.1224504968
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates             y
## 1     (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.5374384496
## 5     (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.4784371624
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.4697469269
## 13    (7.394178, 1.877395)  2.2660738319
## 22    (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 34    (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.4107074316
## 37     (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 45     (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.2444013318
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.6589689843
## 53     (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.3103623454
## 58    (9.100522, 3.845274)  0.6986495286
## 72    (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.1483198530
## 73    (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.2963476414
## 74     (5.054748, 2.21294)  2.5610335069
## 79   (2.701634, 0.5726394)  0.4261117342
## 92     (7.785768, 2.95715)  1.2872090466
## 93    (8.593795, 3.974606)  1.5384335160
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.0945986304
## 100  (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.2627751753
## 103   (1.336778, 3.192196) -0.7426957927
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 106   (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.0491793810
## 108   (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.2252735154
## 113 (0.1885503, 0.4932166)  0.0457342110
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.0142939462
## 116   (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.9887446938
## 117    (7.35261, 4.109116)  1.4825073703
## 119    (8.053664, 2.34125)  2.3755654010
## 127     (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.3574352472
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 133   (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.0024886837
## 138   (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 140   (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.3689520022
## 142  (9.184151, 0.3800263) -0.0006209654
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.3055075621
## 151   (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.6633833414
## 155    (6.47497, 4.965168)  0.9270318431
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 168  (4.392328, 0.2553791)  0.0294475967
## 172   (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.1177695202
## 173  (4.945315, 0.1631137)  0.0133957092
## 179   (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 183   (6.638664, 1.904938)  1.7463856315
## 188   (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 190    (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193   (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 204  (7.602703, 0.4957661)  1.7174514475
## 207   (2.704743, 4.364378) -0.0797455108
## 210   (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 222    (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.4965863978
## 227    (7.16385, 4.718297)  1.3935523424
## 235 (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.7415585220
## 238   (7.932701, 4.649456)  0.4538356464
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.0449025706
## 244   (2.723401, 1.910724)  0.4715554886
## 247    (9.57917, 3.341107)  0.6852309527
## 248   (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.6811530069
## 257  (6.352767, 0.8679928)  2.1130617434
## 262   (5.168083, 4.628116) -0.1393513590
## 267   (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 271  (8.736917, 0.1384069)  0.9520778746
## 274   (5.782891, 4.970651)  0.0188969995
## 277  (5.101238, 0.2210469)  0.1410569205
## 287    (8.67415, 3.473783)  1.4911590485
## 295   (1.040102, 3.784912)  0.3001542539
## 301   (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 305   (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 309   (1.650989, 3.581076)  0.0011067876
## 316   (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.2655135138
## 339   (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.3631643111
## 347  (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.2172431826
## 365   (8.722578, 3.133491)  1.1527376773
## 370   (7.692295, 3.866935)  1.2082638906
## 372   (1.621181, 4.133781)  0.0818240571
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.4414046771
## 382    (8.446514, 4.54166)  0.9517304875
## 388  (3.266905, 0.6505034)  0.2563988472
## 394   (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.1922190936
## 395   (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.7670771055
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 420   (6.385012, 3.584249)  1.1281971531
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.1938022768
## 425   (5.184723, 2.425385)  2.8655361788
## 427    (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.5903791612
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 440   (8.789817, 4.818154)  1.0851325547
## 442   (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.6379348398
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 448   (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.2675835467
## 450   (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.0684679577
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.1255301487
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.4889766752
## 474   (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.1162922867
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.8920458112
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.2494583521
## 484   (9.105274, 1.722987)  0.0226624203
## 486   (0.974121, 1.015628)  0.6934784555
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.5497719217
## 506   (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.5665203039
## 512  (5.680321, 0.5106848)  1.8632271096
## 513 (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 514  (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.8675396257
## 519   (8.085036, 2.813951)  1.7118369191
## 536    (4.621371, 3.24756)  0.5017929706
## 547   (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.0561288210
## 548    (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.2198228103
## 554   (6.694261, 2.627189)  2.1270479473
## 562   (1.531332, 0.438622)  0.2484250884
## 573   (2.906453, 3.100389)  0.2102031710
## 574  (3.056277, 0.2753938)  0.3196198070
## 581   (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.4041525222
## 587  (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.1621779159
## 592   (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.3487977502
## 594   (7.440786, 4.783676)  1.1909537111
## 597   (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 599  (4.767034, 0.1971005)  0.1224504968
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.076080
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 1.035999 mins
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.5374384496  2.4784371624 -1.4697469269  2.2660738319  0.0891323305
##   [6]  0.4107074316  2.0013010075  0.2444013318 -0.6589689843  1.3103623454
##  [11]  0.6986495286  1.1483198530  1.2963476414  2.5610335069  0.4261117342
##  [16]  1.2872090466  1.5384335160 -0.0945986304  0.2627751753 -0.7426957927
##  [21]  0.5100312939  1.0491793810  0.2252735154  0.0457342110 -0.0142939462
##  [26]  1.9887446938  1.4825073703  2.3755654010 -0.3574352472  1.6427366595
##  [31]  1.3296347014 -0.0024886837  0.0974233661  2.3689520022 -0.0006209654
##  [36]  0.3055075621 -0.6633833414  0.9270318431  0.6111675095  0.0294475967
##  [41]  0.1177695202  0.0133957092  0.8663405042  1.7463856315  0.1100284745
##  [46]  0.0006467918  2.2887683256  1.7174514475 -0.0797455108  2.5373883140
##  [51]  1.4965863978  1.3935523424 -0.7415585220  0.4538356464 -0.0449025706
##  [56]  0.4715554886  0.6852309527  0.6811530069  2.1130617434 -0.1393513590
##  [61]  1.5005172456  0.9520778746  0.0188969995  0.1410569205  1.4911590485
##  [66]  0.3001542539  0.8494503300 -0.2823511613  0.0011067876  1.2655135138
##  [71]  1.3631643111  3.0424718703  0.2172431826  1.1527376773  1.2082638906
##  [76]  0.0818240571  0.4414046771  0.9517304875  0.2563988472  2.1922190936
##  [81] -0.7670771055 -0.3050926664  1.1281971531  2.1938022768  2.8655361788
##  [86]  1.5903791612 -0.0474320080  1.0851325547  0.6379348398  0.2214363677
##  [91]  2.2675835467  2.0684679577 -0.5199408157  0.1255301487  2.4889766752
##  [96] -0.1162922867 -0.8920458112  1.2494583521  0.0226624203  0.6934784555
## [101]  1.5497719217  0.5665203039  1.8632271096  0.9058215384  1.8675396257
## [106]  1.7118369191  0.5017929706 -0.0561288210  0.2198228103  2.1270479473
## [111]  0.2484250884  0.2102031710  0.3196198070 -0.2515045084  1.4041525222
## [116]  2.1621779159 -0.3487977502  1.1909537111  3.0760798038  0.1224504968
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates             y
## 1     (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.5374384496
## 5     (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.4784371624
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.4697469269
## 13    (7.394178, 1.877395)  2.2660738319
## 22    (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 34    (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.4107074316
## 37     (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 45     (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.2444013318
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.6589689843
## 53     (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.3103623454
## 58    (9.100522, 3.845274)  0.6986495286
## 72    (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.1483198530
## 73    (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.2963476414
## 74     (5.054748, 2.21294)  2.5610335069
## 79   (2.701634, 0.5726394)  0.4261117342
## 92     (7.785768, 2.95715)  1.2872090466
## 93    (8.593795, 3.974606)  1.5384335160
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.0945986304
## 100  (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.2627751753
## 103   (1.336778, 3.192196) -0.7426957927
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 106   (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.0491793810
## 108   (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.2252735154
## 113 (0.1885503, 0.4932166)  0.0457342110
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.0142939462
## 116   (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.9887446938
## 117    (7.35261, 4.109116)  1.4825073703
## 119    (8.053664, 2.34125)  2.3755654010
## 127     (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.3574352472
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 133   (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.0024886837
## 138   (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 140   (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.3689520022
## 142  (9.184151, 0.3800263) -0.0006209654
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.3055075621
## 151   (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.6633833414
## 155    (6.47497, 4.965168)  0.9270318431
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 168  (4.392328, 0.2553791)  0.0294475967
## 172   (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.1177695202
## 173  (4.945315, 0.1631137)  0.0133957092
## 179   (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 183   (6.638664, 1.904938)  1.7463856315
## 188   (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 190    (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193   (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 204  (7.602703, 0.4957661)  1.7174514475
## 207   (2.704743, 4.364378) -0.0797455108
## 210   (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 222    (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.4965863978
## 227    (7.16385, 4.718297)  1.3935523424
## 235 (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.7415585220
## 238   (7.932701, 4.649456)  0.4538356464
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.0449025706
## 244   (2.723401, 1.910724)  0.4715554886
## 247    (9.57917, 3.341107)  0.6852309527
## 248   (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.6811530069
## 257  (6.352767, 0.8679928)  2.1130617434
## 262   (5.168083, 4.628116) -0.1393513590
## 267   (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 271  (8.736917, 0.1384069)  0.9520778746
## 274   (5.782891, 4.970651)  0.0188969995
## 277  (5.101238, 0.2210469)  0.1410569205
## 287    (8.67415, 3.473783)  1.4911590485
## 295   (1.040102, 3.784912)  0.3001542539
## 301   (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 305   (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 309   (1.650989, 3.581076)  0.0011067876
## 316   (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.2655135138
## 339   (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.3631643111
## 347  (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.2172431826
## 365   (8.722578, 3.133491)  1.1527376773
## 370   (7.692295, 3.866935)  1.2082638906
## 372   (1.621181, 4.133781)  0.0818240571
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.4414046771
## 382    (8.446514, 4.54166)  0.9517304875
## 388  (3.266905, 0.6505034)  0.2563988472
## 394   (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.1922190936
## 395   (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.7670771055
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 420   (6.385012, 3.584249)  1.1281971531
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.1938022768
## 425   (5.184723, 2.425385)  2.8655361788
## 427    (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.5903791612
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 440   (8.789817, 4.818154)  1.0851325547
## 442   (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.6379348398
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 448   (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.2675835467
## 450   (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.0684679577
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.1255301487
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.4889766752
## 474   (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.1162922867
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.8920458112
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.2494583521
## 484   (9.105274, 1.722987)  0.0226624203
## 486   (0.974121, 1.015628)  0.6934784555
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.5497719217
## 506   (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.5665203039
## 512  (5.680321, 0.5106848)  1.8632271096
## 513 (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 514  (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.8675396257
## 519   (8.085036, 2.813951)  1.7118369191
## 536    (4.621371, 3.24756)  0.5017929706
## 547   (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.0561288210
## 548    (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.2198228103
## 554   (6.694261, 2.627189)  2.1270479473
## 562   (1.531332, 0.438622)  0.2484250884
## 573   (2.906453, 3.100389)  0.2102031710
## 574  (3.056277, 0.2753938)  0.3196198070
## 581   (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.4041525222
## 587  (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.1621779159
## 592   (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.3487977502
## 594   (7.440786, 4.783676)  1.1909537111
## 597   (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 599  (4.767034, 0.1971005)  0.1224504968
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.076080
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 2.514303 mins
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -1.469746927  1.372753966  0.463514482 -0.055182128  2.468704043
##   [6]  0.823345210  0.202884459  1.564863325  1.223032690  1.296347641
##  [11]  1.837909542 -0.252083025  2.327701531 -0.094598630  0.151701252
##  [16]  0.340569663  0.833663088  0.169981114 -0.014293946  2.126208038
##  [21] -0.237818884 -0.002488684  2.510227879  1.835641762  0.305507562
##  [26]  1.647161398  0.031834879  0.529099422  0.897507421  2.179083938
##  [31]  0.223360826  0.895761519  0.655889613  1.969369813  1.871143587
##  [36]  1.476352170 -0.643248828  0.333763142 -0.430752041  1.496586398
##  [41]  1.814282447  1.707415384 -0.741558522 -0.044902571  0.199575961
##  [46] -0.055194375  0.422081265 -0.716346788  1.053560186  2.424573040
##  [51]  1.462818269  0.495113838  0.066484661 -0.206305396  2.961016325
##  [56]  1.005545832  3.331186442  0.165811289 -0.177577339  0.102908479
##  [61]  0.057728937  0.301161570  0.208379234  0.217243183  0.541259115
##  [66]  0.514175826  0.458503197  0.441404677  2.195012981  0.358940192
##  [71]  2.192219094  1.814283271  2.923191311  0.901329951  0.617926030
##  [76]  2.193802277  1.590379161 -0.390410349 -0.539097821  0.053004527
##  [81]  0.350546293  0.637934840 -0.121093030  1.697990106  2.068467958
##  [86] -0.519940816  0.750194263  1.830729308  0.474843207  2.488976675
##  [91] -0.314792993  0.854082385 -0.116292287 -0.892045811  0.319249401
##  [96]  1.249458352 -0.130640033 -0.008826203  2.011192079  2.039368467
## [101]  0.180755009  2.198411414  1.061093801  0.209238672  1.711836919
## [106]  0.457824996  0.082717309  0.211362761  0.360440714  0.154064082
## [111]  0.941493713  0.609553933  0.289906656  1.373366421  1.806665720
## [116]  1.324032692  1.266757597  0.083250505  1.895984647  1.348353598
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates            y
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.469746927
## 11    (9.266492, 2.840033)  1.372753966
## 15    (2.486299, 3.121862)  0.463514482
## 35     (9.79422, 1.978052) -0.055182128
## 47    (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.468704043
## 56    (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.823345210
## 59    (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.202884459
## 62    (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.564863325
## 64   (8.66154, 0.07034407)  1.223032690
## 73    (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.296347641
## 88    (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.837909542
## 89    (3.125102, 3.007179) -0.252083025
## 96   (5.916809, 0.6519829)  2.327701531
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.094598630
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.151701252
## 102  (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.340569663
## 107   (9.060612, 3.315835)  0.833663088
## 110  (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.169981114
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.014293946
## 124   (7.809509, 1.068102)  2.126208038
## 129   (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.237818884
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.002488684
## 139   (5.13313, 0.9758311)  2.510227879
## 145   (8.074389, 1.639138)  1.835641762
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.305507562
## 149   (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.647161398
## 156   (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.031834879
## 163   (2.809017, 1.282038)  0.529099422
## 169   (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.897507421
## 171    (7.853446, 1.60167)  2.179083938
## 185    (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.223360826
## 194   (2.438755, 2.157226)  0.895761519
## 203   (9.742097, 2.896811)  0.655889613
## 208   (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.969369813
## 213   (7.704936, 0.968206)  1.871143587
## 214   (8.826984, 3.600317)  1.476352170
## 216   (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.643248828
## 217  (1.786597, 0.1291328)  0.333763142
## 218   (1.498501, 2.546066) -0.430752041
## 222    (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.496586398
## 228  (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.814282447
## 232  (8.006751, 0.5595053)  1.707415384
## 235 (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.741558522
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.044902571
## 269   (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.199575961
## 275   (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.055194375
## 279   (1.42478, 0.5745941)  0.422081265
## 290   (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.716346788
## 296    (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.053560186
## 314   (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.424573040
## 323   (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.462818269
## 335   (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.495113838
## 337   (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.066484661
## 343 (0.3957034, 0.3799773) -0.206305396
## 348  (6.822793, 0.5278166)  2.961016325
## 350   (6.660371, 4.770125)  1.005545832
## 351    (5.24006, 2.014899)  3.331186442
## 353  (0.2618564, 2.241399)  0.165811289
## 354   (1.300415, 2.168761) -0.177577339
## 355   (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.102908479
## 356   (5.109239, 3.706667)  0.057728937
## 361  (1.525337, 0.3967622)  0.301161570
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.208379234
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.217243183
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.541259115
## 367   (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.514175826
## 368  (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.458503197
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.441404677
## 378   (8.292433, 2.243757)  2.195012981
## 380   (7.666086, 3.537253)  0.358940192
## 394   (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.192219094
## 402  (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.814283271
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.923191311
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.901329951
## 414     (2.8942, 4.507411)  0.617926030
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.193802277
## 427    (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.590379161
## 429   (3.072225, 2.134001) -0.390410349
## 430   (3.973893, 4.679858) -0.539097821
## 431   (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.053004527
## 439  (2.175135, 0.2185995)  0.350546293
## 442   (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.637934840
## 445    (6.291269, 4.64161) -0.121093030
## 447   (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.697990106
## 450   (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.068467958
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.519940816
## 453   (2.585164, 1.817675)  0.750194263
## 460   (8.445455, 2.250102)  1.830729308
## 467  (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.474843207
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.488976675
## 471    (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.314792993
## 472    (1.34266, 1.649327)  0.854082385
## 474   (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.116292287
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.892045811
## 480   (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.319249401
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.249458352
## 487  (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.130640033
## 491     (4.183216, 4.2625) -0.008826203
## 494  (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.011192079
## 500   (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.039368467
## 503  (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.180755009
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.198411414
## 507   (4.471439, 1.792583)  1.061093801
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.209238672
## 519   (8.085036, 2.813951)  1.711836919
## 524     (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.457824996
## 527   (1.714286, 3.745808)  0.082717309
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.211362761
## 532    (9.29565, 2.124611)  0.360440714
## 539   (1.338962, 2.437735)  0.154064082
## 552    (4.55767, 3.017612)  0.941493713
## 555    (3.496973, 1.19302)  0.609553933
## 563   (3.441233, 3.281966)  0.289906656
## 567    (8.63191, 1.377026)  1.373366421
## 571   (5.278135, 3.093516)  1.806665720
## 579   (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.324032692
## 584   (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.266757597
## 588   (5.248418, 4.265039)  0.083250505
## 593   (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.895984647
## 595  (7.958217, 0.2922243)  1.348353598
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.331186
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 22.96502 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -1.469746927  1.372753966  0.463514482 -0.055182128  2.468704043
##   [6]  0.823345210  0.202884459  1.564863325  1.223032690  1.296347641
##  [11]  1.837909542 -0.252083025  2.327701531 -0.094598630  0.151701252
##  [16]  0.340569663  0.833663088  0.169981114 -0.014293946  2.126208038
##  [21] -0.237818884 -0.002488684  2.510227879  1.835641762  0.305507562
##  [26]  1.647161398  0.031834879  0.529099422  0.897507421  2.179083938
##  [31]  0.223360826  0.895761519  0.655889613  1.969369813  1.871143587
##  [36]  1.476352170 -0.643248828  0.333763142 -0.430752041  1.496586398
##  [41]  1.814282447  1.707415384 -0.741558522 -0.044902571  0.199575961
##  [46] -0.055194375  0.422081265 -0.716346788  1.053560186  2.424573040
##  [51]  1.462818269  0.495113838  0.066484661 -0.206305396  2.961016325
##  [56]  1.005545832  3.331186442  0.165811289 -0.177577339  0.102908479
##  [61]  0.057728937  0.301161570  0.208379234  0.217243183  0.541259115
##  [66]  0.514175826  0.458503197  0.441404677  2.195012981  0.358940192
##  [71]  2.192219094  1.814283271  2.923191311  0.901329951  0.617926030
##  [76]  2.193802277  1.590379161 -0.390410349 -0.539097821  0.053004527
##  [81]  0.350546293  0.637934840 -0.121093030  1.697990106  2.068467958
##  [86] -0.519940816  0.750194263  1.830729308  0.474843207  2.488976675
##  [91] -0.314792993  0.854082385 -0.116292287 -0.892045811  0.319249401
##  [96]  1.249458352 -0.130640033 -0.008826203  2.011192079  2.039368467
## [101]  0.180755009  2.198411414  1.061093801  0.209238672  1.711836919
## [106]  0.457824996  0.082717309  0.211362761  0.360440714  0.154064082
## [111]  0.941493713  0.609553933  0.289906656  1.373366421  1.806665720
## [116]  1.324032692  1.266757597  0.083250505  1.895984647  1.348353598
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates            y
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.469746927
## 11    (9.266492, 2.840033)  1.372753966
## 15    (2.486299, 3.121862)  0.463514482
## 35     (9.79422, 1.978052) -0.055182128
## 47    (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.468704043
## 56    (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.823345210
## 59    (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.202884459
## 62    (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.564863325
## 64   (8.66154, 0.07034407)  1.223032690
## 73    (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.296347641
## 88    (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.837909542
## 89    (3.125102, 3.007179) -0.252083025
## 96   (5.916809, 0.6519829)  2.327701531
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.094598630
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.151701252
## 102  (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.340569663
## 107   (9.060612, 3.315835)  0.833663088
## 110  (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.169981114
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.014293946
## 124   (7.809509, 1.068102)  2.126208038
## 129   (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.237818884
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.002488684
## 139   (5.13313, 0.9758311)  2.510227879
## 145   (8.074389, 1.639138)  1.835641762
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.305507562
## 149   (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.647161398
## 156   (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.031834879
## 163   (2.809017, 1.282038)  0.529099422
## 169   (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.897507421
## 171    (7.853446, 1.60167)  2.179083938
## 185    (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.223360826
## 194   (2.438755, 2.157226)  0.895761519
## 203   (9.742097, 2.896811)  0.655889613
## 208   (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.969369813
## 213   (7.704936, 0.968206)  1.871143587
## 214   (8.826984, 3.600317)  1.476352170
## 216   (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.643248828
## 217  (1.786597, 0.1291328)  0.333763142
## 218   (1.498501, 2.546066) -0.430752041
## 222    (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.496586398
## 228  (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.814282447
## 232  (8.006751, 0.5595053)  1.707415384
## 235 (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.741558522
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.044902571
## 269   (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.199575961
## 275   (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.055194375
## 279   (1.42478, 0.5745941)  0.422081265
## 290   (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.716346788
## 296    (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.053560186
## 314   (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.424573040
## 323   (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.462818269
## 335   (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.495113838
## 337   (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.066484661
## 343 (0.3957034, 0.3799773) -0.206305396
## 348  (6.822793, 0.5278166)  2.961016325
## 350   (6.660371, 4.770125)  1.005545832
## 351    (5.24006, 2.014899)  3.331186442
## 353  (0.2618564, 2.241399)  0.165811289
## 354   (1.300415, 2.168761) -0.177577339
## 355   (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.102908479
## 356   (5.109239, 3.706667)  0.057728937
## 361  (1.525337, 0.3967622)  0.301161570
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.208379234
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.217243183
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.541259115
## 367   (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.514175826
## 368  (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.458503197
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.441404677
## 378   (8.292433, 2.243757)  2.195012981
## 380   (7.666086, 3.537253)  0.358940192
## 394   (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.192219094
## 402  (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.814283271
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.923191311
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.901329951
## 414     (2.8942, 4.507411)  0.617926030
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.193802277
## 427    (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.590379161
## 429   (3.072225, 2.134001) -0.390410349
## 430   (3.973893, 4.679858) -0.539097821
## 431   (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.053004527
## 439  (2.175135, 0.2185995)  0.350546293
## 442   (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.637934840
## 445    (6.291269, 4.64161) -0.121093030
## 447   (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.697990106
## 450   (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.068467958
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.519940816
## 453   (2.585164, 1.817675)  0.750194263
## 460   (8.445455, 2.250102)  1.830729308
## 467  (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.474843207
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.488976675
## 471    (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.314792993
## 472    (1.34266, 1.649327)  0.854082385
## 474   (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.116292287
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.892045811
## 480   (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.319249401
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.249458352
## 487  (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.130640033
## 491     (4.183216, 4.2625) -0.008826203
## 494  (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.011192079
## 500   (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.039368467
## 503  (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.180755009
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.198411414
## 507   (4.471439, 1.792583)  1.061093801
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.209238672
## 519   (8.085036, 2.813951)  1.711836919
## 524     (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.457824996
## 527   (1.714286, 3.745808)  0.082717309
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.211362761
## 532    (9.29565, 2.124611)  0.360440714
## 539   (1.338962, 2.437735)  0.154064082
## 552    (4.55767, 3.017612)  0.941493713
## 555    (3.496973, 1.19302)  0.609553933
## 563   (3.441233, 3.281966)  0.289906656
## 567    (8.63191, 1.377026)  1.373366421
## 571   (5.278135, 3.093516)  1.806665720
## 579   (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.324032692
## 584   (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.266757597
## 588   (5.248418, 4.265039)  0.083250505
## 593   (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.895984647
## 595  (7.958217, 0.2922243)  1.348353598
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.331186
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 42.0221 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  0.56697452  0.11049851 -0.16292082  2.43810372 -0.60222911  0.41070743
##   [7] -0.08667781  1.22141454  1.31036235  0.20288446  1.56486332  1.22303269
##  [13] -0.65698980  1.38857798  1.14831985  1.35773358  1.28720905 -0.06575674
##  [19]  0.26277518  1.04917938  2.22533291  1.98874469 -0.35743525  1.13305590
##  [25]  0.09742337  2.36895200  0.86517636  1.64716140 -0.47319088  0.92703184
##  [31]  0.03183488  0.03912215 -0.27549393  0.89750742  0.11776952  1.95429835
##  [37]  0.86634050 -0.48897555  1.80422367  1.18070135  2.28876833 -0.43908244
##  [43] -1.21552417 -0.07974551  1.96936981  2.53738831 -0.29085016 -0.64324883
##  [49]  0.45265241  1.24374312  1.81428245  2.26586225  1.55484617  1.68802539
##  [55]  2.00225544  0.68115301  2.04747359 -0.24264855  1.12935373 -0.71634679
##  [61]  2.29033349 -0.01754597  1.00833313  0.53465341  0.25804461  2.42457304
##  [67]  0.91838910  0.34278400  0.04794750  2.49443746  3.01904751  1.36316431
##  [73] -0.20630540  1.27605281  1.00554583  0.21724318 -0.11308102 -0.08909496
##  [79]  2.19501298  0.13167788  1.81428327  2.92319131  0.47626779 -0.93257845
##  [85]  1.59037916 -0.04743201  0.21257547  2.26758355 -0.01634806  0.64878149
##  [91]  2.34210110  0.79628833  1.60298423 -0.38466716 -0.90481734  2.48897668
##  [97] -0.31479299  2.26545109 -0.13064003  1.54977192  1.80854703  0.75217350
## [103]  2.03936847  2.19841141  0.49896036  0.53297570  0.28413485  0.30493218
## [109]  0.45782500  0.40388428  0.25966103  0.50179297 -0.05612882  0.21982281
## [115]  0.35070277 -0.39010383  0.21020317 -0.25150451  2.07611853 -0.34879775
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates           y
## 12     (2.316051, 1.865139)  0.56697452
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.11049851
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 27     (4.902559, 1.948775)  2.43810372
## 30      (9.79671, 4.340412) -0.60222911
## 34     (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.41070743
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.08667781
## 39      (6.634624, 3.63238)  1.22141454
## 53      (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.31036235
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.20288446
## 62     (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.56486332
## 64    (8.66154, 0.07034407)  1.22303269
## 66     (2.320934, 3.945037) -0.65698980
## 71     (6.351936, 3.050798)  1.38857798
## 72     (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.14831985
## 85     (6.825709, 1.163768)  1.35773358
## 92      (7.785768, 2.95715)  1.28720905
## 95  (0.08806119, 0.5143986) -0.06575674
## 100   (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.26277518
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 109    (7.035068, 2.232295)  2.22533291
## 116    (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.98874469
## 127      (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.35743525
## 137    (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.13305590
## 138    (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.09742337
## 140    (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.36895200
## 141    (7.934378, 4.429856)  0.86517636
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.64716140
## 152    (9.970303, 2.874974) -0.47319088
## 155     (6.47497, 4.965168)  0.92703184
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.03183488
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.03912215
## 160  (0.6978112, 0.1516993) -0.27549393
## 169    (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.89750742
## 172    (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.11776952
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.95429835
## 179    (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.86634050
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.48897555
## 182    (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 184    (4.999037, 3.367738)  1.18070135
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.28876833
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.43908244
## 199   (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.21552417
## 207    (2.704743, 4.364378) -0.07974551
## 208    (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.96936981
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.53738831
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.29085016
## 216    (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.64324883
## 219    (1.146435, 4.326072)  0.45265241
## 224    (7.319565, 4.712902)  1.24374312
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 231   (6.386748, 0.7887602)  2.26586225
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.55484617
## 240    (5.905503, 3.692743)  1.68802539
## 242    (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.00225544
## 248    (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.68115301
## 260    (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.04747359
## 264    (4.849054, 4.709686) -0.24264855
## 283     (8.665013, 1.90649)  1.12935373
## 290    (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.71634679
## 291    (6.249395, 2.186026)  2.29033349
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.01754597
## 303     (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 306    (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.53465341
## 307     (4.42731, 3.412852)  0.25804461
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.42457304
## 317    (1.411296, 4.877799)  0.91838910
## 318    (2.652453, 2.329161)  0.34278400
## 322    (3.271248, 3.070252)  0.04794750
## 326    (4.988129, 2.546501)  2.49443746
## 332   (6.660556, 0.1104589)  3.01904751
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.36316431
## 343  (0.3957034, 0.3799773) -0.20630540
## 345   (4.602832, 0.8099203)  1.27605281
## 350    (6.660371, 4.770125)  1.00554583
## 364   (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.21724318
## 371    (5.730613, 4.548553) -0.11308102
## 374    (9.219679, 1.882409) -0.08909496
## 378    (8.292433, 2.243757)  2.19501298
## 401    (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.13167788
## 402   (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.81428327
## 404   (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.92319131
## 406   (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.47626779
## 422  (0.04706253, 4.222499) -0.93257845
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.59037916
## 428     (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.04743201
## 438     (3.70809, 1.733426)  0.21257547
## 448    (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.26758355
## 449    (6.306861, 4.634955) -0.01634806
## 454     (2.908432, 4.46751)  0.64878149
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.34210110
## 459    (1.166877, 4.769912)  0.79628833
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.60298423
## 466    (3.352673, 2.912942) -0.38466716
## 468    (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.90481734
## 470     (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.48897668
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.31479299
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.26545109
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.13064003
## 490    (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.54977192
## 492  (7.535079, 0.02792054)  1.80854703
## 496     (6.464812, 4.87927)  0.75217350
## 500    (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.03936847
## 504    (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.19841141
## 510    (2.067254, 1.235869)  0.49896036
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.53297570
## 517         (1.863, 4.2242)  0.28413485
## 522    (1.384427, 3.852615)  0.30493218
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.45782500
## 526    (4.563333, 3.158189)  0.40388428
## 535    (2.593883, 2.224094)  0.25966103
## 536     (4.621371, 3.24756)  0.50179297
## 547    (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.05612882
## 548     (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.21982281
## 558    (4.512907, 3.821817)  0.35070277
## 568    (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.39010383
## 573    (2.906453, 3.100389)  0.21020317
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.25150451
## 591   (8.240678, 0.2196268)  2.07611853
## 592    (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.34879775
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.215524  3.019048
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 31.51851 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  0.56697452  0.11049851 -0.16292082  2.43810372 -0.60222911  0.41070743
##   [7] -0.08667781  1.22141454  1.31036235  0.20288446  1.56486332  1.22303269
##  [13] -0.65698980  1.38857798  1.14831985  1.35773358  1.28720905 -0.06575674
##  [19]  0.26277518  1.04917938  2.22533291  1.98874469 -0.35743525  1.13305590
##  [25]  0.09742337  2.36895200  0.86517636  1.64716140 -0.47319088  0.92703184
##  [31]  0.03183488  0.03912215 -0.27549393  0.89750742  0.11776952  1.95429835
##  [37]  0.86634050 -0.48897555  1.80422367  1.18070135  2.28876833 -0.43908244
##  [43] -1.21552417 -0.07974551  1.96936981  2.53738831 -0.29085016 -0.64324883
##  [49]  0.45265241  1.24374312  1.81428245  2.26586225  1.55484617  1.68802539
##  [55]  2.00225544  0.68115301  2.04747359 -0.24264855  1.12935373 -0.71634679
##  [61]  2.29033349 -0.01754597  1.00833313  0.53465341  0.25804461  2.42457304
##  [67]  0.91838910  0.34278400  0.04794750  2.49443746  3.01904751  1.36316431
##  [73] -0.20630540  1.27605281  1.00554583  0.21724318 -0.11308102 -0.08909496
##  [79]  2.19501298  0.13167788  1.81428327  2.92319131  0.47626779 -0.93257845
##  [85]  1.59037916 -0.04743201  0.21257547  2.26758355 -0.01634806  0.64878149
##  [91]  2.34210110  0.79628833  1.60298423 -0.38466716 -0.90481734  2.48897668
##  [97] -0.31479299  2.26545109 -0.13064003  1.54977192  1.80854703  0.75217350
## [103]  2.03936847  2.19841141  0.49896036  0.53297570  0.28413485  0.30493218
## [109]  0.45782500  0.40388428  0.25966103  0.50179297 -0.05612882  0.21982281
## [115]  0.35070277 -0.39010383  0.21020317 -0.25150451  2.07611853 -0.34879775
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates           y
## 12     (2.316051, 1.865139)  0.56697452
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.11049851
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 27     (4.902559, 1.948775)  2.43810372
## 30      (9.79671, 4.340412) -0.60222911
## 34     (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.41070743
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.08667781
## 39      (6.634624, 3.63238)  1.22141454
## 53      (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.31036235
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.20288446
## 62     (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.56486332
## 64    (8.66154, 0.07034407)  1.22303269
## 66     (2.320934, 3.945037) -0.65698980
## 71     (6.351936, 3.050798)  1.38857798
## 72     (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.14831985
## 85     (6.825709, 1.163768)  1.35773358
## 92      (7.785768, 2.95715)  1.28720905
## 95  (0.08806119, 0.5143986) -0.06575674
## 100   (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.26277518
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 109    (7.035068, 2.232295)  2.22533291
## 116    (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.98874469
## 127      (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.35743525
## 137    (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.13305590
## 138    (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.09742337
## 140    (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.36895200
## 141    (7.934378, 4.429856)  0.86517636
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.64716140
## 152    (9.970303, 2.874974) -0.47319088
## 155     (6.47497, 4.965168)  0.92703184
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.03183488
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.03912215
## 160  (0.6978112, 0.1516993) -0.27549393
## 169    (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.89750742
## 172    (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.11776952
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.95429835
## 179    (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.86634050
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.48897555
## 182    (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 184    (4.999037, 3.367738)  1.18070135
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.28876833
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.43908244
## 199   (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.21552417
## 207    (2.704743, 4.364378) -0.07974551
## 208    (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.96936981
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.53738831
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.29085016
## 216    (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.64324883
## 219    (1.146435, 4.326072)  0.45265241
## 224    (7.319565, 4.712902)  1.24374312
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 231   (6.386748, 0.7887602)  2.26586225
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.55484617
## 240    (5.905503, 3.692743)  1.68802539
## 242    (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.00225544
## 248    (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.68115301
## 260    (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.04747359
## 264    (4.849054, 4.709686) -0.24264855
## 283     (8.665013, 1.90649)  1.12935373
## 290    (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.71634679
## 291    (6.249395, 2.186026)  2.29033349
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.01754597
## 303     (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 306    (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.53465341
## 307     (4.42731, 3.412852)  0.25804461
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.42457304
## 317    (1.411296, 4.877799)  0.91838910
## 318    (2.652453, 2.329161)  0.34278400
## 322    (3.271248, 3.070252)  0.04794750
## 326    (4.988129, 2.546501)  2.49443746
## 332   (6.660556, 0.1104589)  3.01904751
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.36316431
## 343  (0.3957034, 0.3799773) -0.20630540
## 345   (4.602832, 0.8099203)  1.27605281
## 350    (6.660371, 4.770125)  1.00554583
## 364   (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.21724318
## 371    (5.730613, 4.548553) -0.11308102
## 374    (9.219679, 1.882409) -0.08909496
## 378    (8.292433, 2.243757)  2.19501298
## 401    (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.13167788
## 402   (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.81428327
## 404   (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.92319131
## 406   (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.47626779
## 422  (0.04706253, 4.222499) -0.93257845
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.59037916
## 428     (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.04743201
## 438     (3.70809, 1.733426)  0.21257547
## 448    (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.26758355
## 449    (6.306861, 4.634955) -0.01634806
## 454     (2.908432, 4.46751)  0.64878149
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.34210110
## 459    (1.166877, 4.769912)  0.79628833
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.60298423
## 466    (3.352673, 2.912942) -0.38466716
## 468    (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.90481734
## 470     (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.48897668
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.31479299
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.26545109
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.13064003
## 490    (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.54977192
## 492  (7.535079, 0.02792054)  1.80854703
## 496     (6.464812, 4.87927)  0.75217350
## 500    (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.03936847
## 504    (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.19841141
## 510    (2.067254, 1.235869)  0.49896036
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.53297570
## 517         (1.863, 4.2242)  0.28413485
## 522    (1.384427, 3.852615)  0.30493218
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.45782500
## 526    (4.563333, 3.158189)  0.40388428
## 535    (2.593883, 2.224094)  0.25966103
## 536     (4.621371, 3.24756)  0.50179297
## 547    (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.05612882
## 548     (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.21982281
## 558    (4.512907, 3.821817)  0.35070277
## 568    (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.39010383
## 573    (2.906453, 3.100389)  0.21020317
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.25150451
## 591   (8.240678, 0.2196268)  2.07611853
## 592    (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.34879775
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.215524  3.019048
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 27.32585 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.8675323488  0.0891323305  0.3013976292 -1.5832415394 -0.0866778123
##   [6]  1.9313976028  2.4687040427  1.1944778888 -0.2277309905  0.8233452096
##  [11]  0.3471423739  0.4613251346  0.0475099638  1.3577335832  0.2793059776
##  [16]  1.8379095424 -0.2520830251  0.2627751753  0.3405696631 -0.7426957927
##  [21]  1.0491793810  0.2252735154  1.3802979458 -0.2742532091 -0.2378188838
##  [26]  1.6427366595  1.3296347014  2.3689520022  2.6446802435  1.6471613977
##  [31] -0.6633833414  2.0629942178  0.0391221544  0.0108077530  0.8663405042
##  [36] -0.4889755469  0.2233608260 -0.4204277985  0.0006467918  2.2887683256
##  [41] -0.4390824388 -1.2155241705  1.9693698127  2.5373883140  1.4763521700
##  [46] -0.2908501629 -0.6432488280  0.8462307601  2.2658622527  1.5548461690
##  [51]  0.6989451667  0.4434008881  1.5272048813  1.8604373454  0.6811530069
##  [56]  0.2451406958  1.7110149073  2.4287850057  2.1130617434  0.4682940590
##  [61]  1.3971560796  1.5005172456  2.4602632257 -0.0175459677  0.8494503300
##  [66] -0.2178012483  0.5346534131  0.0583994966  2.4245730401  1.6323612971
##  [71]  1.2655135138  0.9183891033  0.3427840022  0.0664846609  1.3631643111
##  [76] -0.0501714761  0.3440159375  2.8071114846  1.2082638906  0.8607880176
##  [81] -0.4851794548  2.2190652653 -0.2165920883  0.5925318415  3.3369479040
##  [86]  0.3538908544 -0.3050926664  1.0769407456 -0.7309600414  0.3611232589
##  [91]  0.6379348398  0.2214363677  1.6979901060  2.0684679577  1.8307293082
##  [96]  1.5927851651  1.6029842345  0.4748432070  0.7912981228 -0.1162922867
## [101]  0.3192494010  0.5681240714 -0.1306400329  1.8323873507  0.4005508901
## [106]  2.0111920789  0.3276436426  0.9058215384  0.5329757035  0.2841348484
## [111]  0.3604407137  0.1540640819  1.1326059417  2.4287539521  0.2508547167
## [116]  0.5041011468  2.1621779159 -0.1062984569  1.8959846470  2.5852560917
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 8      (6.829195, 2.175178)  1.8675323488
## 22     (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 24     (2.718415, 3.450685)  0.3013976292
## 28    (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.0866778123
## 42    (8.404564, 0.6579005)  1.9313976028
## 47     (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.4687040427
## 50      (8.77758, 1.570793)  1.1944778888
## 54    (8.977159, 0.9648501) -0.2277309905
## 56     (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.8233452096
## 69      (2.30139, 2.316288)  0.3471423739
## 81    (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.4613251346
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.0475099638
## 85     (6.825709, 1.163768)  1.3577335832
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 88     (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.8379095424
## 89     (3.125102, 3.007179) -0.2520830251
## 100   (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.2627751753
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.3405696631
## 103    (1.336778, 3.192196) -0.7426957927
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.0491793810
## 108    (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.2252735154
## 111    (6.893109, 1.299686)  1.3802979458
## 126   (0.7075837, 2.254586) -0.2742532091
## 129    (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.2378188838
## 132     (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 140    (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.3689520022
## 147    (5.086486, 2.347312)  2.6446802435
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.6471613977
## 151    (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.6633833414
## 157    (8.006261, 1.098344)  2.0629942178
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.0391221544
## 175   (8.861291, 0.7083745)  0.0108077530
## 179    (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.4889755469
## 185     (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.2233608260
## 187    (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.4204277985
## 190     (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.4390824388
## 199   (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.2155241705
## 208    (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.9693698127
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 214    (8.826984, 3.600317)  1.4763521700
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.2908501629
## 216    (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.6432488280
## 230    (4.491369, 1.491822)  0.8462307601
## 231   (6.386748, 0.7887602)  2.2658622527
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.5548461690
## 237    (4.833059, 3.562344)  0.6989451667
## 239    (2.785143, 1.523411)  0.4434008881
## 243   (5.943374, 0.1076233)  1.5272048813
## 245      (8.025849, 1.2649)  1.8604373454
## 248    (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.6811530069
## 249  (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.2451406958
## 251   (7.714442, 0.4997052)  1.7110149073
## 252   (5.731279, 0.8910044)  2.4287850057
## 257   (6.352767, 0.8679928)  2.1130617434
## 259     (9.25765, 2.132158)  0.4682940590
## 263    (6.895698, 4.030652)  1.3971560796
## 267    (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 286     (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.4602632257
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.0175459677
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 304    (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.2178012483
## 306    (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.5346534131
## 312    (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.0583994966
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.4245730401
## 315     (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 316    (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.2655135138
## 317    (1.411296, 4.877799)  0.9183891033
## 318    (2.652453, 2.329161)  0.3427840022
## 337    (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.0664846609
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.3631643111
## 340    (4.088476, 3.384361) -0.0501714761
## 344    (3.952841, 2.641039)  0.3440159375
## 346    (5.569291, 2.158475)  2.8071114846
## 370    (7.692295, 3.866935)  1.2082638906
## 373     (8.13369, 4.778957)  0.8607880176
## 379    (3.020144, 4.975152) -0.4851794548
## 383    (8.212223, 2.371665)  2.2190652653
## 387    (2.988565, 2.314757) -0.2165920883
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.5925318415
## 416    (5.283665, 1.986961)  3.3369479040
## 418     (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.3538908544
## 419    (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 426    (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.0769407456
## 435     (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.7309600414
## 437    (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 442    (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.6379348398
## 443    (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 447    (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.6979901060
## 450    (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.0684679577
## 460    (8.445455, 2.250102)  1.8307293082
## 461    (6.562209, 2.791349)  1.5927851651
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.6029842345
## 467   (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.4748432070
## 469    (4.066736, 0.073449)  0.7912981228
## 474    (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.1162922867
## 480    (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.3192494010
## 481   (5.293436, 0.3025387)  0.5681240714
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.1306400329
## 489    (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.8323873507
## 493    (4.149254, 2.166342)  0.4005508901
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.0111920789
## 505   (2.413877, 0.4208425)  0.3276436426
## 513  (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.5329757035
## 517         (1.863, 4.2242)  0.2841348484
## 532     (9.29565, 2.124611)  0.3604407137
## 539    (1.338962, 2.437735)  0.1540640819
## 544    (8.816744, 2.320273)  1.1326059417
## 545 (6.403176, 0.008807789)  2.4287539521
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 565    (9.193745, 4.295448)  0.5041011468
## 587   (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.1621779159
## 590    (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.1062984569
## 593    (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.8959846470
## 596     (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.5852560917
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.336948
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 22.324 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.8675323488  0.0891323305  0.3013976292 -1.5832415394 -0.0866778123
##   [6]  1.9313976028  2.4687040427  1.1944778888 -0.2277309905  0.8233452096
##  [11]  0.3471423739  0.4613251346  0.0475099638  1.3577335832  0.2793059776
##  [16]  1.8379095424 -0.2520830251  0.2627751753  0.3405696631 -0.7426957927
##  [21]  1.0491793810  0.2252735154  1.3802979458 -0.2742532091 -0.2378188838
##  [26]  1.6427366595  1.3296347014  2.3689520022  2.6446802435  1.6471613977
##  [31] -0.6633833414  2.0629942178  0.0391221544  0.0108077530  0.8663405042
##  [36] -0.4889755469  0.2233608260 -0.4204277985  0.0006467918  2.2887683256
##  [41] -0.4390824388 -1.2155241705  1.9693698127  2.5373883140  1.4763521700
##  [46] -0.2908501629 -0.6432488280  0.8462307601  2.2658622527  1.5548461690
##  [51]  0.6989451667  0.4434008881  1.5272048813  1.8604373454  0.6811530069
##  [56]  0.2451406958  1.7110149073  2.4287850057  2.1130617434  0.4682940590
##  [61]  1.3971560796  1.5005172456  2.4602632257 -0.0175459677  0.8494503300
##  [66] -0.2178012483  0.5346534131  0.0583994966  2.4245730401  1.6323612971
##  [71]  1.2655135138  0.9183891033  0.3427840022  0.0664846609  1.3631643111
##  [76] -0.0501714761  0.3440159375  2.8071114846  1.2082638906  0.8607880176
##  [81] -0.4851794548  2.2190652653 -0.2165920883  0.5925318415  3.3369479040
##  [86]  0.3538908544 -0.3050926664  1.0769407456 -0.7309600414  0.3611232589
##  [91]  0.6379348398  0.2214363677  1.6979901060  2.0684679577  1.8307293082
##  [96]  1.5927851651  1.6029842345  0.4748432070  0.7912981228 -0.1162922867
## [101]  0.3192494010  0.5681240714 -0.1306400329  1.8323873507  0.4005508901
## [106]  2.0111920789  0.3276436426  0.9058215384  0.5329757035  0.2841348484
## [111]  0.3604407137  0.1540640819  1.1326059417  2.4287539521  0.2508547167
## [116]  0.5041011468  2.1621779159 -0.1062984569  1.8959846470  2.5852560917
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 8      (6.829195, 2.175178)  1.8675323488
## 22     (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 24     (2.718415, 3.450685)  0.3013976292
## 28    (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.0866778123
## 42    (8.404564, 0.6579005)  1.9313976028
## 47     (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.4687040427
## 50      (8.77758, 1.570793)  1.1944778888
## 54    (8.977159, 0.9648501) -0.2277309905
## 56     (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.8233452096
## 69      (2.30139, 2.316288)  0.3471423739
## 81    (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.4613251346
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.0475099638
## 85     (6.825709, 1.163768)  1.3577335832
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 88     (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.8379095424
## 89     (3.125102, 3.007179) -0.2520830251
## 100   (4.102906, 0.9819229)  0.2627751753
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.3405696631
## 103    (1.336778, 3.192196) -0.7426957927
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.0491793810
## 108    (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.2252735154
## 111    (6.893109, 1.299686)  1.3802979458
## 126   (0.7075837, 2.254586) -0.2742532091
## 129    (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.2378188838
## 132     (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 140    (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.3689520022
## 147    (5.086486, 2.347312)  2.6446802435
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.6471613977
## 151    (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.6633833414
## 157    (8.006261, 1.098344)  2.0629942178
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.0391221544
## 175   (8.861291, 0.7083745)  0.0108077530
## 179    (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.4889755469
## 185     (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.2233608260
## 187    (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.4204277985
## 190     (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.4390824388
## 199   (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.2155241705
## 208    (6.07255, 0.9942085)  1.9693698127
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 214    (8.826984, 3.600317)  1.4763521700
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.2908501629
## 216    (3.240051, 4.906171) -0.6432488280
## 230    (4.491369, 1.491822)  0.8462307601
## 231   (6.386748, 0.7887602)  2.2658622527
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.5548461690
## 237    (4.833059, 3.562344)  0.6989451667
## 239    (2.785143, 1.523411)  0.4434008881
## 243   (5.943374, 0.1076233)  1.5272048813
## 245      (8.025849, 1.2649)  1.8604373454
## 248    (1.786093, 1.459911)  0.6811530069
## 249  (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.2451406958
## 251   (7.714442, 0.4997052)  1.7110149073
## 252   (5.731279, 0.8910044)  2.4287850057
## 257   (6.352767, 0.8679928)  2.1130617434
## 259     (9.25765, 2.132158)  0.4682940590
## 263    (6.895698, 4.030652)  1.3971560796
## 267    (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 286     (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.4602632257
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.0175459677
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 304    (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.2178012483
## 306    (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.5346534131
## 312    (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.0583994966
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.4245730401
## 315     (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 316    (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.2655135138
## 317    (1.411296, 4.877799)  0.9183891033
## 318    (2.652453, 2.329161)  0.3427840022
## 337    (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.0664846609
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.3631643111
## 340    (4.088476, 3.384361) -0.0501714761
## 344    (3.952841, 2.641039)  0.3440159375
## 346    (5.569291, 2.158475)  2.8071114846
## 370    (7.692295, 3.866935)  1.2082638906
## 373     (8.13369, 4.778957)  0.8607880176
## 379    (3.020144, 4.975152) -0.4851794548
## 383    (8.212223, 2.371665)  2.2190652653
## 387    (2.988565, 2.314757) -0.2165920883
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.5925318415
## 416    (5.283665, 1.986961)  3.3369479040
## 418     (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.3538908544
## 419    (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 426    (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.0769407456
## 435     (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.7309600414
## 437    (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 442    (3.210356, 3.373614)  0.6379348398
## 443    (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 447    (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.6979901060
## 450    (6.620642, 2.508676)  2.0684679577
## 460    (8.445455, 2.250102)  1.8307293082
## 461    (6.562209, 2.791349)  1.5927851651
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.6029842345
## 467   (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.4748432070
## 469    (4.066736, 0.073449)  0.7912981228
## 474    (5.301142, 4.777785) -0.1162922867
## 480    (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.3192494010
## 481   (5.293436, 0.3025387)  0.5681240714
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.1306400329
## 489    (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.8323873507
## 493    (4.149254, 2.166342)  0.4005508901
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.0111920789
## 505   (2.413877, 0.4208425)  0.3276436426
## 513  (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.5329757035
## 517         (1.863, 4.2242)  0.2841348484
## 532     (9.29565, 2.124611)  0.3604407137
## 539    (1.338962, 2.437735)  0.1540640819
## 544    (8.816744, 2.320273)  1.1326059417
## 545 (6.403176, 0.008807789)  2.4287539521
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 565    (9.193745, 4.295448)  0.5041011468
## 587   (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.1621779159
## 590    (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.1062984569
## 593    (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.8959846470
## 596     (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.5852560917
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.336948
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 34.57834 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.652275472  2.478437162 -1.469746927  0.553053025  2.218975206
##   [6]  0.110498509  0.684818082  0.410707432 -0.086677812 -0.392003251
##  [11]  2.452246098  0.832124028 -0.658968984  0.461325135  0.279305978
##  [16]  0.737126064  0.510031294 -0.014293946  0.474111759  2.375565401
##  [21] -0.038763689  0.473563534 -0.274253209  1.329634701 -0.002488684
##  [26]  2.510227879  2.368952002  2.445572560  1.401827629  1.835641762
##  [31]  0.305507562 -0.663383341  0.031834879  0.611167509  0.010807753
##  [36] -0.488975547  1.317333225  1.804223666  0.223360826 -0.420427799
##  [41]  0.372141297  0.440093576  0.526374886  0.513760745  1.815915993
##  [46] -0.644983215  1.259152126  2.002255441 -0.279128393  0.206119145
##  [51]  0.412268586  0.468294059  2.047473585  0.208614499  2.492019866
##  [56]  0.018897000  1.491159048  0.540593171  1.053560186  2.469441802
##  [61] -0.217801248  0.001106788  0.058399497  1.632361297  1.265513514
##  [66]  0.181506560  0.718935159  1.276052814  1.073195669  0.109367650
##  [71]  1.364254929  0.208379234 -0.256415146  1.152737677  0.541259115
##  [76] -0.062895957  0.723151514  2.019522187 -0.767077106  2.752833097
##  [81]  2.923191311  2.987038521  0.183840924  0.353890854 -0.305092666
##  [86]  2.193802277  2.865536179  0.361123259  0.707258604  0.125530149
##  [91]  0.474843207  2.488976675  2.265451088  1.832387351  0.221584028
##  [96]  2.198411414  0.327643643  0.566520304  2.011402951  0.498960359
## [101]  0.209238672  1.867539626  0.532975703  0.848988073  0.968075164
## [106]  3.212663882  0.211362761  1.656445175  0.219822810  0.843587771
## [111]  0.248425088 -0.390103828 -0.322572908 -0.469358525  1.266757597
## [116]  1.404152522 -0.106298457 -0.348797750  2.585256092  1.929075321
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates            y
## 4     (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.652275472
## 5     (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.478437162
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.469746927
## 14  (0.08103577, 1.532909)  0.553053025
## 17   (7.171219, 0.6764418)  2.218975206
## 19   (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.110498509
## 26    (9.476547, 3.220274)  0.684818082
## 34    (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.410707432
## 36     (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.086677812
## 38   (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.392003251
## 44    (7.749321, 1.982572)  2.452246098
## 49    (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.832124028
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.658968984
## 81   (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.461325135
## 86   (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.279305978
## 98    (4.462919, 1.676029)  0.737126064
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.510031294
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.014293946
## 118   (2.685377, 3.307539)  0.474111759
## 119    (8.053664, 2.34125)  2.375565401
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.038763689
## 121   (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.473563534
## 126  (0.7075837, 2.254586) -0.274253209
## 133   (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.329634701
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.002488684
## 139   (5.13313, 0.9758311)  2.510227879
## 140   (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.368952002
## 143   (5.863603, 2.332283)  2.445572560
## 144   (8.234804, 4.329484)  1.401827629
## 145   (8.074389, 1.639138)  1.835641762
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.305507562
## 151   (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.663383341
## 156   (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.031834879
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.611167509
## 175  (8.861291, 0.7083745)  0.010807753
## 180  (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.488975547
## 181   (7.013178, 3.994144)  1.317333225
## 182   (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.804223666
## 185    (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.223360826
## 187   (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.420427799
## 192     (2.099873, 4.8055)  0.372141297
## 195   (4.055383, 2.094394)  0.440093576
## 198    (1.34756, 4.667505)  0.526374886
## 200   (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.513760745
## 201  (7.586634, 0.8925879)  1.815915993
## 229  (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.644983215
## 233  (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.259152126
## 242   (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.002255441
## 254  (0.8939543, 2.363234) -0.279128393
## 256   (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.206119145
## 258   (4.462377, 3.622975)  0.412268586
## 259    (9.25765, 2.132158)  0.468294059
## 260   (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.047473585
## 261  (0.6906892, 3.837462)  0.208614499
## 265   (6.160639, 1.492451)  2.492019866
## 274   (5.782891, 4.970651)  0.018897000
## 287    (8.67415, 3.473783)  1.491159048
## 289  (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.540593171
## 296    (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.053560186
## 297   (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.469441802
## 304   (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.217801248
## 309   (1.650989, 3.581076)  0.001106788
## 312   (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.058399497
## 315    (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.632361297
## 316   (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.265513514
## 320   (3.539105, 4.132259)  0.181506560
## 338   (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.718935159
## 345  (4.602832, 0.8099203)  1.276052814
## 349   (8.906574, 4.158312)  1.073195669
## 358   (2.561338, 2.454977)  0.109367650
## 359    (1.64506, 4.892264)  1.364254929
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.208379234
## 363   (2.120794, 4.531103) -0.256415146
## 365   (8.722578, 3.133491)  1.152737677
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.541259115
## 369    (3.30308, 2.156949) -0.062895957
## 385   (0.1455631, 1.26745)  0.723151514
## 393   (5.114314, 2.880658)  2.019522187
## 395   (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.767077106
## 396    (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.752833097
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.923191311
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.987038521
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.183840924
## 418    (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.353890854
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.305092666
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.193802277
## 425   (5.184723, 2.425385)  2.865536179
## 437   (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.361123259
## 444    (1.56396, 1.330727)  0.707258604
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.125530149
## 467  (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.474843207
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.488976675
## 479   (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.265451088
## 489   (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.832387351
## 499     (4.06451, 3.67308)  0.221584028
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.198411414
## 505  (2.413877, 0.4208425)  0.327643643
## 506   (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.566520304
## 508   (6.686311, 2.691109)  2.011402951
## 510   (2.067254, 1.235869)  0.498960359
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.209238672
## 514  (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.867539626
## 515   (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.532975703
## 518   (2.404973, 2.076959)  0.848988073
## 523   (4.505513, 2.927387)  0.968075164
## 525   (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.212663882
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.211362761
## 538   (8.353119, 1.165073)  1.656445175
## 548    (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.219822810
## 561   (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.843587771
## 562   (1.531332, 0.438622)  0.248425088
## 568   (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.390103828
## 572   (8.997944, 1.248105) -0.322572908
## 580   (2.420051, 3.916131) -0.469358525
## 584   (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.266757597
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.404152522
## 590   (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.106298457
## 592   (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.348797750
## 596    (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.585256092
## 598   (7.047124, 2.546437)  1.929075321
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.212664
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 20.94354 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.652275472  2.478437162 -1.469746927  0.553053025  2.218975206
##   [6]  0.110498509  0.684818082  0.410707432 -0.086677812 -0.392003251
##  [11]  2.452246098  0.832124028 -0.658968984  0.461325135  0.279305978
##  [16]  0.737126064  0.510031294 -0.014293946  0.474111759  2.375565401
##  [21] -0.038763689  0.473563534 -0.274253209  1.329634701 -0.002488684
##  [26]  2.510227879  2.368952002  2.445572560  1.401827629  1.835641762
##  [31]  0.305507562 -0.663383341  0.031834879  0.611167509  0.010807753
##  [36] -0.488975547  1.317333225  1.804223666  0.223360826 -0.420427799
##  [41]  0.372141297  0.440093576  0.526374886  0.513760745  1.815915993
##  [46] -0.644983215  1.259152126  2.002255441 -0.279128393  0.206119145
##  [51]  0.412268586  0.468294059  2.047473585  0.208614499  2.492019866
##  [56]  0.018897000  1.491159048  0.540593171  1.053560186  2.469441802
##  [61] -0.217801248  0.001106788  0.058399497  1.632361297  1.265513514
##  [66]  0.181506560  0.718935159  1.276052814  1.073195669  0.109367650
##  [71]  1.364254929  0.208379234 -0.256415146  1.152737677  0.541259115
##  [76] -0.062895957  0.723151514  2.019522187 -0.767077106  2.752833097
##  [81]  2.923191311  2.987038521  0.183840924  0.353890854 -0.305092666
##  [86]  2.193802277  2.865536179  0.361123259  0.707258604  0.125530149
##  [91]  0.474843207  2.488976675  2.265451088  1.832387351  0.221584028
##  [96]  2.198411414  0.327643643  0.566520304  2.011402951  0.498960359
## [101]  0.209238672  1.867539626  0.532975703  0.848988073  0.968075164
## [106]  3.212663882  0.211362761  1.656445175  0.219822810  0.843587771
## [111]  0.248425088 -0.390103828 -0.322572908 -0.469358525  1.266757597
## [116]  1.404152522 -0.106298457 -0.348797750  2.585256092  1.929075321
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates            y
## 4     (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.652275472
## 5     (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.478437162
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.469746927
## 14  (0.08103577, 1.532909)  0.553053025
## 17   (7.171219, 0.6764418)  2.218975206
## 19   (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.110498509
## 26    (9.476547, 3.220274)  0.684818082
## 34    (6.415449, 4.470381)  0.410707432
## 36     (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.086677812
## 38   (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.392003251
## 44    (7.749321, 1.982572)  2.452246098
## 49    (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.832124028
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.658968984
## 81   (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.461325135
## 86   (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.279305978
## 98    (4.462919, 1.676029)  0.737126064
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.510031294
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.014293946
## 118   (2.685377, 3.307539)  0.474111759
## 119    (8.053664, 2.34125)  2.375565401
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.038763689
## 121   (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.473563534
## 126  (0.7075837, 2.254586) -0.274253209
## 133   (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.329634701
## 135   (1.437549, 2.383648) -0.002488684
## 139   (5.13313, 0.9758311)  2.510227879
## 140   (4.939354, 2.560598)  2.368952002
## 143   (5.863603, 2.332283)  2.445572560
## 144   (8.234804, 4.329484)  1.401827629
## 145   (8.074389, 1.639138)  1.835641762
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.305507562
## 151   (3.623513, 4.745853) -0.663383341
## 156   (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.031834879
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.611167509
## 175  (8.861291, 0.7083745)  0.010807753
## 180  (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.488975547
## 181   (7.013178, 3.994144)  1.317333225
## 182   (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.804223666
## 185    (2.753324, 2.19885)  0.223360826
## 187   (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.420427799
## 192     (2.099873, 4.8055)  0.372141297
## 195   (4.055383, 2.094394)  0.440093576
## 198    (1.34756, 4.667505)  0.526374886
## 200   (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.513760745
## 201  (7.586634, 0.8925879)  1.815915993
## 229  (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.644983215
## 233  (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.259152126
## 242   (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.002255441
## 254  (0.8939543, 2.363234) -0.279128393
## 256   (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.206119145
## 258   (4.462377, 3.622975)  0.412268586
## 259    (9.25765, 2.132158)  0.468294059
## 260   (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.047473585
## 261  (0.6906892, 3.837462)  0.208614499
## 265   (6.160639, 1.492451)  2.492019866
## 274   (5.782891, 4.970651)  0.018897000
## 287    (8.67415, 3.473783)  1.491159048
## 289  (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.540593171
## 296    (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.053560186
## 297   (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.469441802
## 304   (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.217801248
## 309   (1.650989, 3.581076)  0.001106788
## 312   (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.058399497
## 315    (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.632361297
## 316   (8.794302, 3.532642)  1.265513514
## 320   (3.539105, 4.132259)  0.181506560
## 338   (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.718935159
## 345  (4.602832, 0.8099203)  1.276052814
## 349   (8.906574, 4.158312)  1.073195669
## 358   (2.561338, 2.454977)  0.109367650
## 359    (1.64506, 4.892264)  1.364254929
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.208379234
## 363   (2.120794, 4.531103) -0.256415146
## 365   (8.722578, 3.133491)  1.152737677
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.541259115
## 369    (3.30308, 2.156949) -0.062895957
## 385   (0.1455631, 1.26745)  0.723151514
## 393   (5.114314, 2.880658)  2.019522187
## 395   (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.767077106
## 396    (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.752833097
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.923191311
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.987038521
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.183840924
## 418    (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.353890854
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.305092666
## 421   (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.193802277
## 425   (5.184723, 2.425385)  2.865536179
## 437   (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.361123259
## 444    (1.56396, 1.330727)  0.707258604
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.125530149
## 467  (2.946861, 0.2565029)  0.474843207
## 470    (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.488976675
## 479   (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.265451088
## 489   (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.832387351
## 499     (4.06451, 3.67308)  0.221584028
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.198411414
## 505  (2.413877, 0.4208425)  0.327643643
## 506   (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.566520304
## 508   (6.686311, 2.691109)  2.011402951
## 510   (2.067254, 1.235869)  0.498960359
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.209238672
## 514  (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.867539626
## 515   (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.532975703
## 518   (2.404973, 2.076959)  0.848988073
## 523   (4.505513, 2.927387)  0.968075164
## 525   (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.212663882
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.211362761
## 538   (8.353119, 1.165073)  1.656445175
## 548    (9.64617, 2.363611)  0.219822810
## 561   (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.843587771
## 562   (1.531332, 0.438622)  0.248425088
## 568   (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.390103828
## 572   (8.997944, 1.248105) -0.322572908
## 580   (2.420051, 3.916131) -0.469358525
## 584   (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.266757597
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.404152522
## 590   (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.106298457
## 592   (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.348797750
## 596    (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.585256092
## 598   (7.047124, 2.546437)  1.929075321
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.212664
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 19.79958 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.5374384496 -0.6522754718  0.0470753883  0.1104985086 -1.5832415394
##   [6] -0.2634873379 -0.0866778123  2.0013010075 -0.5037474402  0.2444013318
##  [11]  0.2922220959  0.8321240280  1.1944778888 -0.3651186419  2.8700224903
##  [16]  2.3315128612  0.2793059776  2.3277015307  0.7371260642  0.4735635338
##  [21]  2.1540144594  1.6427366595  1.6008503069  0.0974233661  0.8651763589
##  [26] -0.0006209654  1.6471613977  1.1027827656  0.0318348795  0.6111675095
##  [31]  0.4533827775  0.1420695600  0.1177695202  1.9542983536  0.1100284745
##  [36] -0.3360885113  2.2887683256  2.1150627262 -0.3576887945  1.8142824467
##  [41]  0.2061191452 -0.2426485486  0.1995759605  0.0187787194  0.2103748612
##  [46]  0.2023161279  0.5405931712  3.3664459826  2.4694418017  0.0661414591
##  [51]  0.8494503300  0.1081625177  0.3124707101  2.4944374640  2.9951633826
##  [56]  1.9003019459  1.4642367431  0.9039847236  1.4132308158  3.0424718703
##  [61]  0.0577289373  0.8178587487  2.5005368172  1.0168942543 -0.8193275613
##  [66]  0.2369156907  2.7528330966  0.1316778837  1.8142832711  0.6824930563
##  [71]  0.9013299513  2.9870385212  0.1986827384  3.3369479040 -0.3050926664
##  [76] -0.0474320080  0.0530045269 -0.7309600414  1.8191666152  1.0851325547
##  [81]  1.6979901060  2.2675835467  0.6487814949  0.8317982435  2.3421010951
##  [86]  0.5549477086 -0.3846671574  2.4889766752  2.3836265799  0.6848114147
##  [91]  0.0226624203 -0.1306400329  1.8323873507  0.0513605297  2.0393684671
##  [96]  0.1807550094  0.5665203039 -0.2578215857  0.2092386721  0.4578249965
## [101]  3.2126638823  1.6289490205  0.7098642974  0.8987835232  1.1326059417
## [106] -0.4835595043  0.9414937126  1.1992920540  2.1270479473  0.6095539329
## [111]  0.2508547167  0.8435877705  0.2899066562  1.3733664210  1.8066657198
## [116] -0.1424952027 -0.4693585253 -0.2515045084  1.2667575972  1.4041525222
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 1      (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.5374384496
## 4      (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 6     (0.4517742, 1.323716)  0.0470753883
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 28    (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 31     (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.2634873379
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.0866778123
## 37      (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 40     (2.572323, 4.448756) -0.5037474402
## 45      (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.2444013318
## 48     (2.265546, 2.167373)  0.2922220959
## 49     (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.8321240280
## 50      (8.77758, 1.570793)  1.1944778888
## 75   (3.555606, 0.04964721) -0.3651186419
## 83     (5.960346, 1.956564)  2.8700224903
## 84     (5.287397, 2.781697)  2.3315128612
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 96    (5.916809, 0.6519829)  2.3277015307
## 98     (4.462919, 1.676029)  0.7371260642
## 121    (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.4735635338
## 131     (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.1540144594
## 132     (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 136    (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.6008503069
## 138    (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 141    (7.934378, 4.429856)  0.8651763589
## 142   (9.184151, 0.3800263) -0.0006209654
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.6471613977
## 150    (7.133674, 4.843496)  1.1027827656
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.0318348795
## 162  (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 166      (1.173343, 3.9047)  0.4533827775
## 170    (3.176252, 3.813355)  0.1420695600
## 172    (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.1177695202
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.9542983536
## 188    (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 191    (3.240884, 4.689355) -0.3360885113
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 196   (7.033975, 0.7979224)  2.1150627262
## 223   (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.3576887945
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.8142824467
## 256    (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.2061191452
## 264    (4.849054, 4.709686) -0.2426485486
## 269    (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.1995759605
## 281    (3.239895, 2.024304)  0.0187787194
## 282     (3.535728, 4.42935)  0.2103748612
## 284    (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.5405931712
## 293    (5.392283, 2.110406)  3.3664459826
## 297    (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.4694418017
## 299    (2.048865, 2.232819)  0.0661414591
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 311     (5.22307, 4.545911)  0.1081625177
## 319    (8.958118, 1.490213)  0.3124707101
## 326    (4.988129, 2.546501)  2.4944374640
## 327    (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.9951633826
## 329    (6.016213, 1.038579)  1.9003019459
## 331     (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.4642367431
## 334     (3.082116, 1.27632)  0.9039847236
## 336    (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.4132308158
## 347   (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 356    (5.109239, 3.706667)  0.0577289373
## 357    (1.152228, 1.406428)  0.8178587487
## 376    (7.514328, 1.447844)  2.5005368172
## 377    (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.0168942543
## 386   (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.8193275613
## 389   (0.7477256, 3.851537)  0.2369156907
## 396     (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.7528330966
## 401    (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.1316778837
## 402   (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.8142832711
## 403     (2.952104, 1.08392)  0.6824930563
## 405    (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.9013299513
## 409     (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.9870385212
## 411    (3.425402, 4.413912)  0.1986827384
## 416    (5.283665, 1.986961)  3.3369479040
## 419    (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 428     (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 431    (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.0530045269
## 435     (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.7309600414
## 436    (7.357314, 1.140396)  1.8191666152
## 440    (8.789817, 4.818154)  1.0851325547
## 447    (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.6979901060
## 448    (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.2675835467
## 454     (2.908432, 4.46751)  0.6487814949
## 455    (9.115992, 3.829788)  0.8317982435
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.3421010951
## 462 (0.09280679, 0.8547849)  0.5549477086
## 466    (3.352673, 2.912942) -0.3846671574
## 470     (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.4889766752
## 477     (8.393536, 0.45975)  2.3836265799
## 482   (0.4507153, 1.140223)  0.6848114147
## 484    (9.105274, 1.722987)  0.0226624203
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.1306400329
## 489    (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.8323873507
## 497    (3.580266, 3.308743)  0.0513605297
## 500    (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.0393684671
## 503   (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.1807550094
## 506    (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.5665203039
## 509   (0.9970078, 3.093939) -0.2578215857
## 511    (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.2092386721
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.4578249965
## 525    (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.2126638823
## 531   (7.650547, 0.3238615)  1.6289490205
## 537  (4.074469, 0.08165678)  0.7098642974
## 540    (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.8987835232
## 544    (8.816744, 2.320273)  1.1326059417
## 550    (9.489988, 4.159122) -0.4835595043
## 552     (4.55767, 3.017612)  0.9414937126
## 553    (9.445448, 2.791799)  1.1992920540
## 554    (6.694261, 2.627189)  2.1270479473
## 555     (3.496973, 1.19302)  0.6095539329
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 561    (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.8435877705
## 563    (3.441233, 3.281966)  0.2899066562
## 567     (8.63191, 1.377026)  1.3733664210
## 571    (5.278135, 3.093516)  1.8066657198
## 575    (4.297764, 4.576395) -0.1424952027
## 580    (2.420051, 3.916131) -0.4693585253
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 584    (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.2667575972
## 586    (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.4041525222
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.366446
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 44.41418 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.5374384496 -0.6522754718  0.0470753883  0.1104985086 -1.5832415394
##   [6] -0.2634873379 -0.0866778123  2.0013010075 -0.5037474402  0.2444013318
##  [11]  0.2922220959  0.8321240280  1.1944778888 -0.3651186419  2.8700224903
##  [16]  2.3315128612  0.2793059776  2.3277015307  0.7371260642  0.4735635338
##  [21]  2.1540144594  1.6427366595  1.6008503069  0.0974233661  0.8651763589
##  [26] -0.0006209654  1.6471613977  1.1027827656  0.0318348795  0.6111675095
##  [31]  0.4533827775  0.1420695600  0.1177695202  1.9542983536  0.1100284745
##  [36] -0.3360885113  2.2887683256  2.1150627262 -0.3576887945  1.8142824467
##  [41]  0.2061191452 -0.2426485486  0.1995759605  0.0187787194  0.2103748612
##  [46]  0.2023161279  0.5405931712  3.3664459826  2.4694418017  0.0661414591
##  [51]  0.8494503300  0.1081625177  0.3124707101  2.4944374640  2.9951633826
##  [56]  1.9003019459  1.4642367431  0.9039847236  1.4132308158  3.0424718703
##  [61]  0.0577289373  0.8178587487  2.5005368172  1.0168942543 -0.8193275613
##  [66]  0.2369156907  2.7528330966  0.1316778837  1.8142832711  0.6824930563
##  [71]  0.9013299513  2.9870385212  0.1986827384  3.3369479040 -0.3050926664
##  [76] -0.0474320080  0.0530045269 -0.7309600414  1.8191666152  1.0851325547
##  [81]  1.6979901060  2.2675835467  0.6487814949  0.8317982435  2.3421010951
##  [86]  0.5549477086 -0.3846671574  2.4889766752  2.3836265799  0.6848114147
##  [91]  0.0226624203 -0.1306400329  1.8323873507  0.0513605297  2.0393684671
##  [96]  0.1807550094  0.5665203039 -0.2578215857  0.2092386721  0.4578249965
## [101]  3.2126638823  1.6289490205  0.7098642974  0.8987835232  1.1326059417
## [106] -0.4835595043  0.9414937126  1.1992920540  2.1270479473  0.6095539329
## [111]  0.2508547167  0.8435877705  0.2899066562  1.3733664210  1.8066657198
## [116] -0.1424952027 -0.4693585253 -0.2515045084  1.2667575972  1.4041525222
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 1      (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.5374384496
## 4      (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 6     (0.4517742, 1.323716)  0.0470753883
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 28    (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 31     (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.2634873379
## 36      (9.72012, 1.982448) -0.0866778123
## 37      (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 40     (2.572323, 4.448756) -0.5037474402
## 45      (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.2444013318
## 48     (2.265546, 2.167373)  0.2922220959
## 49     (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.8321240280
## 50      (8.77758, 1.570793)  1.1944778888
## 75   (3.555606, 0.04964721) -0.3651186419
## 83     (5.960346, 1.956564)  2.8700224903
## 84     (5.287397, 2.781697)  2.3315128612
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 96    (5.916809, 0.6519829)  2.3277015307
## 98     (4.462919, 1.676029)  0.7371260642
## 121    (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.4735635338
## 131     (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.1540144594
## 132     (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 136    (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.6008503069
## 138    (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 141    (7.934378, 4.429856)  0.8651763589
## 142   (9.184151, 0.3800263) -0.0006209654
## 149    (8.676238, 2.652245)  1.6471613977
## 150    (7.133674, 4.843496)  1.1027827656
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.0318348795
## 162  (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 166      (1.173343, 3.9047)  0.4533827775
## 170    (3.176252, 3.813355)  0.1420695600
## 172    (1.315296, 2.019908)  0.1177695202
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.9542983536
## 188    (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 191    (3.240884, 4.689355) -0.3360885113
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 196   (7.033975, 0.7979224)  2.1150627262
## 223   (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.3576887945
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.8142824467
## 256    (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.2061191452
## 264    (4.849054, 4.709686) -0.2426485486
## 269    (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.1995759605
## 281    (3.239895, 2.024304)  0.0187787194
## 282     (3.535728, 4.42935)  0.2103748612
## 284    (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.5405931712
## 293    (5.392283, 2.110406)  3.3664459826
## 297    (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.4694418017
## 299    (2.048865, 2.232819)  0.0661414591
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.8494503300
## 311     (5.22307, 4.545911)  0.1081625177
## 319    (8.958118, 1.490213)  0.3124707101
## 326    (4.988129, 2.546501)  2.4944374640
## 327    (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.9951633826
## 329    (6.016213, 1.038579)  1.9003019459
## 331     (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.4642367431
## 334     (3.082116, 1.27632)  0.9039847236
## 336    (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.4132308158
## 347   (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 356    (5.109239, 3.706667)  0.0577289373
## 357    (1.152228, 1.406428)  0.8178587487
## 376    (7.514328, 1.447844)  2.5005368172
## 377    (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.0168942543
## 386   (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.8193275613
## 389   (0.7477256, 3.851537)  0.2369156907
## 396     (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.7528330966
## 401    (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.1316778837
## 402   (7.997346, 0.6748052)  1.8142832711
## 403     (2.952104, 1.08392)  0.6824930563
## 405    (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.9013299513
## 409     (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.9870385212
## 411    (3.425402, 4.413912)  0.1986827384
## 416    (5.283665, 1.986961)  3.3369479040
## 419    (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 428     (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 431    (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.0530045269
## 435     (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.7309600414
## 436    (7.357314, 1.140396)  1.8191666152
## 440    (8.789817, 4.818154)  1.0851325547
## 447    (9.017999, 2.747461)  1.6979901060
## 448    (6.101503, 2.605235)  2.2675835467
## 454     (2.908432, 4.46751)  0.6487814949
## 455    (9.115992, 3.829788)  0.8317982435
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.3421010951
## 462 (0.09280679, 0.8547849)  0.5549477086
## 466    (3.352673, 2.912942) -0.3846671574
## 470     (5.676537, 1.09235)  2.4889766752
## 477     (8.393536, 0.45975)  2.3836265799
## 482   (0.4507153, 1.140223)  0.6848114147
## 484    (9.105274, 1.722987)  0.0226624203
## 487   (9.455901, 0.2766176) -0.1306400329
## 489    (8.023485, 1.331456)  1.8323873507
## 497    (3.580266, 3.308743)  0.0513605297
## 500    (4.558299, 2.526379)  2.0393684671
## 503   (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.1807550094
## 506    (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.5665203039
## 509   (0.9970078, 3.093939) -0.2578215857
## 511    (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.2092386721
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.4578249965
## 525    (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.2126638823
## 531   (7.650547, 0.3238615)  1.6289490205
## 537  (4.074469, 0.08165678)  0.7098642974
## 540    (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.8987835232
## 544    (8.816744, 2.320273)  1.1326059417
## 550    (9.489988, 4.159122) -0.4835595043
## 552     (4.55767, 3.017612)  0.9414937126
## 553    (9.445448, 2.791799)  1.1992920540
## 554    (6.694261, 2.627189)  2.1270479473
## 555     (3.496973, 1.19302)  0.6095539329
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 561    (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.8435877705
## 563    (3.441233, 3.281966)  0.2899066562
## 567     (8.63191, 1.377026)  1.3733664210
## 571    (5.278135, 3.093516)  1.8066657198
## 575    (4.297764, 4.576395) -0.1424952027
## 580    (2.420051, 3.916131) -0.4693585253
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 584    (6.875753, 1.128986)  1.2667575972
## 586    (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.4041525222
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.366446
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 1.490232 mins
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.6564884845 -0.6522754718  2.4784371624  3.1266807308  0.1104985086
##   [6] -0.1629208222  1.2827079849  0.4623710817  1.6007342197  0.2004712612
##  [11]  1.5997815657  2.0013010075  1.9313976028  0.6986495286  0.2028844589
##  [16] -0.6569898031  1.8439041359  0.4613251346  0.0475099638  0.2793059776
##  [21]  0.2626245367  0.7865389013 -0.4125290087  0.6300846260  0.1517012518
##  [26]  0.3405696631  0.5100312939  0.8336630877  0.1699811139  2.3655289002
##  [31] -0.3574352472  0.3652285678  2.1540144594  1.3296347014  0.5472714194
##  [36]  0.0318348795  0.5290994216  0.3641179331 -0.0642870761 -0.4889755469
##  [41]  0.0006467918  2.2887683256  0.8957615190 -0.4390824388  0.5137607453
##  [46]  0.3377304972  2.5373883140  0.2839770349 -0.2908501629  0.3337631420
##  [51]  1.4965863978  1.2437431162  0.8462307601  1.2591521260  0.6852309527
##  [56]  2.4920198664  0.0671124114  2.2190423926 -0.0551943750  0.2023161279
##  [61]  2.4602632257 -0.2181506320  0.5405931712 -0.7163467883 -0.0245921255
##  [66]  0.0427846486  0.0095348450 -0.2823511613  0.2580446118  2.4245730401
##  [71]  1.6323612971  2.9951633826  3.0190475101  0.0976956348  0.4951138384
##  [76]  1.4132308158  0.0664846609  0.7189351589  0.2069838081  2.9610163246
##  [81]  0.1029084787  0.1241111967  0.5141758262  0.4585031968  2.5005368172
##  [86]  1.1207939658  0.2385539569  1.3630772694 -0.7670771055 -0.2412796293
##  [91]  0.5925318415  0.4762677875  1.5903791612 -0.4241543124  1.8191666152
##  [96]  0.3611232589  0.2125754650 -0.5199408157 -0.1243239659  1.6029842345
## [101] -0.9048173408 -0.3147929930  2.2654510877  1.2494583521  0.4005508901
## [106]  2.0111920789  0.7521734976  1.0610938011  0.5329757035  0.3049321823
## [111]  0.4578249965  0.8987835232  2.3201752744  1.1992920540  0.2508547167
## [116]  0.0013205355  0.9608086364 -0.2515045084  3.0760798038  1.9290753213
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 3      (1.357563, 3.300582) -0.6564884845
## 4      (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 5      (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.4784371624
## 18     (6.517283, 0.410103)  3.1266807308
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.1629208222
## 23     (7.806483, 3.273198)  1.2827079849
## 25     (3.171721, 1.728367)  0.4623710817
## 29      (8.459004, 3.91904)  1.6007342197
## 32     (3.139815, 3.245004)  0.2004712612
## 33      (9.446767, 2.88087)  1.5997815657
## 37      (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 42    (8.404564, 0.6579005)  1.9313976028
## 58     (9.100522, 3.845274)  0.6986495286
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.2028844589
## 66     (2.320934, 3.945037) -0.6569898031
## 77     (4.837289, 1.518207)  1.8439041359
## 81    (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.4613251346
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.0475099638
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 87     (5.543718, 4.833423)  0.2626245367
## 91     (8.159941, 4.958288)  0.7865389013
## 94   (0.6571936, 0.4387302) -0.4125290087
## 97     (8.696154, 1.127887)  0.6300846260
## 101    (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.1517012518
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.3405696631
## 104    (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 107    (9.060612, 3.315835)  0.8336630877
## 110   (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.1699811139
## 115    (5.778222, 3.167043)  2.3655289002
## 127      (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.3574352472
## 128   (0.9029276, 4.296079)  0.3652285678
## 131     (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.1540144594
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 154    (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.5472714194
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.0318348795
## 163    (2.809017, 1.282038)  0.5290994216
## 167    (2.621646, 3.466512)  0.3641179331
## 176    (3.616839, 3.995792) -0.0642870761
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.4889755469
## 190     (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 194    (2.438755, 2.157226)  0.8957615190
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.4390824388
## 200    (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.5137607453
## 206    (2.219531, 3.101374)  0.3377304972
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 212   (8.906289, 0.2174044)  0.2839770349
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.2908501629
## 217   (1.786597, 0.1291328)  0.3337631420
## 222     (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.4965863978
## 224    (7.319565, 4.712902)  1.2437431162
## 230    (4.491369, 1.491822)  0.8462307601
## 233   (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.2591521260
## 247     (9.57917, 3.341107)  0.6852309527
## 265    (6.160639, 1.492451)  2.4920198664
## 266 (4.791258, 0.008181592)  0.0671124114
## 270    (7.996169, 2.528184)  2.2190423926
## 275    (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.0551943750
## 284    (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 286     (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.4602632257
## 288    (3.176236, 4.042111) -0.2181506320
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.5405931712
## 290    (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.7163467883
## 294    (1.961709, 2.247632) -0.0245921255
## 300    (4.150255, 4.517357)  0.0427846486
## 302    (2.075576, 2.930268)  0.0095348450
## 305    (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 307     (4.42731, 3.412852)  0.2580446118
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.4245730401
## 315     (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 327    (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.9951633826
## 332   (6.660556, 0.1104589)  3.0190475101
## 333    (5.544149, 4.163552)  0.0976956348
## 335    (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.4951138384
## 336    (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.4132308158
## 337    (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.0664846609
## 338    (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.7189351589
## 342    (5.037119, 4.187911)  0.2069838081
## 348   (6.822793, 0.5278166)  2.9610163246
## 355    (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.1029084787
## 360    (2.793963, 2.837331)  0.1241111967
## 367    (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.5141758262
## 368   (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.4585031968
## 376    (7.514328, 1.447844)  2.5005368172
## 381     (1.20655, 1.498399)  1.1207939658
## 391   (0.2518638, 2.705812)  0.2385539569
## 392    (8.240605, 3.287507)  1.3630772694
## 395    (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.7670771055
## 397  (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.2412796293
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.5925318415
## 406   (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.4762677875
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.5903791612
## 434    (9.452898, 4.827512) -0.4241543124
## 436    (7.357314, 1.140396)  1.8191666152
## 437    (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 438     (3.70809, 1.733426)  0.2125754650
## 452    (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 456    (3.733072, 3.977215) -0.1243239659
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.6029842345
## 468    (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.9048173408
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.3147929930
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.2654510877
## 483    (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.2494583521
## 493    (4.149254, 2.166342)  0.4005508901
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.0111920789
## 496     (6.464812, 4.87927)  0.7521734976
## 507    (4.471439, 1.792583)  1.0610938011
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.5329757035
## 522    (1.384427, 3.852615)  0.3049321823
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.4578249965
## 540    (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.8987835232
## 542    (6.200097, 1.499073)  2.3201752744
## 553    (9.445448, 2.791799)  1.1992920540
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 564    (3.807035, 3.577962)  0.0013205355
## 576     (8.866981, 4.42837)  0.9608086364
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 597    (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 598    (7.047124, 2.546437)  1.9290753213
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -0.9048173  3.1266807
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 15.88058 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.6564884845 -0.6522754718  2.4784371624  3.1266807308  0.1104985086
##   [6] -0.1629208222  1.2827079849  0.4623710817  1.6007342197  0.2004712612
##  [11]  1.5997815657  2.0013010075  1.9313976028  0.6986495286  0.2028844589
##  [16] -0.6569898031  1.8439041359  0.4613251346  0.0475099638  0.2793059776
##  [21]  0.2626245367  0.7865389013 -0.4125290087  0.6300846260  0.1517012518
##  [26]  0.3405696631  0.5100312939  0.8336630877  0.1699811139  2.3655289002
##  [31] -0.3574352472  0.3652285678  2.1540144594  1.3296347014  0.5472714194
##  [36]  0.0318348795  0.5290994216  0.3641179331 -0.0642870761 -0.4889755469
##  [41]  0.0006467918  2.2887683256  0.8957615190 -0.4390824388  0.5137607453
##  [46]  0.3377304972  2.5373883140  0.2839770349 -0.2908501629  0.3337631420
##  [51]  1.4965863978  1.2437431162  0.8462307601  1.2591521260  0.6852309527
##  [56]  2.4920198664  0.0671124114  2.2190423926 -0.0551943750  0.2023161279
##  [61]  2.4602632257 -0.2181506320  0.5405931712 -0.7163467883 -0.0245921255
##  [66]  0.0427846486  0.0095348450 -0.2823511613  0.2580446118  2.4245730401
##  [71]  1.6323612971  2.9951633826  3.0190475101  0.0976956348  0.4951138384
##  [76]  1.4132308158  0.0664846609  0.7189351589  0.2069838081  2.9610163246
##  [81]  0.1029084787  0.1241111967  0.5141758262  0.4585031968  2.5005368172
##  [86]  1.1207939658  0.2385539569  1.3630772694 -0.7670771055 -0.2412796293
##  [91]  0.5925318415  0.4762677875  1.5903791612 -0.4241543124  1.8191666152
##  [96]  0.3611232589  0.2125754650 -0.5199408157 -0.1243239659  1.6029842345
## [101] -0.9048173408 -0.3147929930  2.2654510877  1.2494583521  0.4005508901
## [106]  2.0111920789  0.7521734976  1.0610938011  0.5329757035  0.3049321823
## [111]  0.4578249965  0.8987835232  2.3201752744  1.1992920540  0.2508547167
## [116]  0.0013205355  0.9608086364 -0.2515045084  3.0760798038  1.9290753213
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates             y
## 3      (1.357563, 3.300582) -0.6564884845
## 4      (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 5      (7.662535, 1.354513)  2.4784371624
## 18     (6.517283, 0.410103)  3.1266807308
## 19    (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.1629208222
## 23     (7.806483, 3.273198)  1.2827079849
## 25     (3.171721, 1.728367)  0.4623710817
## 29      (8.459004, 3.91904)  1.6007342197
## 32     (3.139815, 3.245004)  0.2004712612
## 33      (9.446767, 2.88087)  1.5997815657
## 37      (7.305513, 1.54024)  2.0013010075
## 42    (8.404564, 0.6579005)  1.9313976028
## 58     (9.100522, 3.845274)  0.6986495286
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.2028844589
## 66     (2.320934, 3.945037) -0.6569898031
## 77     (4.837289, 1.518207)  1.8439041359
## 81    (0.2583625, 2.049845)  0.4613251346
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.0475099638
## 86    (5.078129, 0.2371126)  0.2793059776
## 87     (5.543718, 4.833423)  0.2626245367
## 91     (8.159941, 4.958288)  0.7865389013
## 94   (0.6571936, 0.4387302) -0.4125290087
## 97     (8.696154, 1.127887)  0.6300846260
## 101    (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.1517012518
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.3405696631
## 104    (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 107    (9.060612, 3.315835)  0.8336630877
## 110   (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.1699811139
## 115    (5.778222, 3.167043)  2.3655289002
## 127      (9.5896, 1.551667) -0.3574352472
## 128   (0.9029276, 4.296079)  0.3652285678
## 131     (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.1540144594
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.3296347014
## 154    (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.5472714194
## 156    (3.439523, 2.038872)  0.0318348795
## 163    (2.809017, 1.282038)  0.5290994216
## 167    (2.621646, 3.466512)  0.3641179331
## 176    (3.616839, 3.995792) -0.0642870761
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.4889755469
## 190     (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 193    (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.2887683256
## 194    (2.438755, 2.157226)  0.8957615190
## 197    (1.144203, 2.656874) -0.4390824388
## 200    (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.5137607453
## 206    (2.219531, 3.101374)  0.3377304972
## 210    (7.569693, 2.048543)  2.5373883140
## 212   (8.906289, 0.2174044)  0.2839770349
## 215    (9.477757, 0.276064) -0.2908501629
## 217   (1.786597, 0.1291328)  0.3337631420
## 222     (8.667424, 2.82618)  1.4965863978
## 224    (7.319565, 4.712902)  1.2437431162
## 230    (4.491369, 1.491822)  0.8462307601
## 233   (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.2591521260
## 247     (9.57917, 3.341107)  0.6852309527
## 265    (6.160639, 1.492451)  2.4920198664
## 266 (4.791258, 0.008181592)  0.0671124114
## 270    (7.996169, 2.528184)  2.2190423926
## 275    (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.0551943750
## 284    (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 286     (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.4602632257
## 288    (3.176236, 4.042111) -0.2181506320
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.5405931712
## 290    (1.614027, 2.762526) -0.7163467883
## 294    (1.961709, 2.247632) -0.0245921255
## 300    (4.150255, 4.517357)  0.0427846486
## 302    (2.075576, 2.930268)  0.0095348450
## 305    (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 307     (4.42731, 3.412852)  0.2580446118
## 314    (7.880802, 2.200437)  2.4245730401
## 315     (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 327    (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.9951633826
## 332   (6.660556, 0.1104589)  3.0190475101
## 333    (5.544149, 4.163552)  0.0976956348
## 335    (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.4951138384
## 336    (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.4132308158
## 337    (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.0664846609
## 338    (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.7189351589
## 342    (5.037119, 4.187911)  0.2069838081
## 348   (6.822793, 0.5278166)  2.9610163246
## 355    (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.1029084787
## 360    (2.793963, 2.837331)  0.1241111967
## 367    (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.5141758262
## 368   (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.4585031968
## 376    (7.514328, 1.447844)  2.5005368172
## 381     (1.20655, 1.498399)  1.1207939658
## 391   (0.2518638, 2.705812)  0.2385539569
## 392    (8.240605, 3.287507)  1.3630772694
## 395    (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.7670771055
## 397  (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.2412796293
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.5925318415
## 406   (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.4762677875
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.5903791612
## 434    (9.452898, 4.827512) -0.4241543124
## 436    (7.357314, 1.140396)  1.8191666152
## 437    (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 438     (3.70809, 1.733426)  0.2125754650
## 452    (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 456    (3.733072, 3.977215) -0.1243239659
## 465    (8.282394, 1.592013)  1.6029842345
## 468    (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.9048173408
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.3147929930
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.2654510877
## 483    (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.2494583521
## 493    (4.149254, 2.166342)  0.4005508901
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.0111920789
## 496     (6.464812, 4.87927)  0.7521734976
## 507    (4.471439, 1.792583)  1.0610938011
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.5329757035
## 522    (1.384427, 3.852615)  0.3049321823
## 524      (4.8957, 3.862456)  0.4578249965
## 540    (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.8987835232
## 542    (6.200097, 1.499073)  2.3201752744
## 553    (9.445448, 2.791799)  1.1992920540
## 556    (3.467108, 3.081334)  0.2508547167
## 564    (3.807035, 3.577962)  0.0013205355
## 576     (8.866981, 4.42837)  0.9608086364
## 581    (3.835713, 4.001397) -0.2515045084
## 597    (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 598    (7.047124, 2.546437)  1.9290753213
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -0.9048173  3.1266807
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 35.98871 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.53743845  0.55305302 -0.16292082 -0.51583288 -0.39200325  2.45224610
##   [7]  2.46870404 -0.83850625  0.20288446  1.56486332  0.34714237  1.29634764
##  [13]  0.04750996 -0.41252901 -0.06575674  0.34056966 -0.33815598  1.04917938
##  [19]  0.22527352  0.16998111  0.04573421  1.48250737  0.47356353  1.32963470
##  [25]  0.56993188  1.13305590  0.03912215 -0.27549393  1.58968708  0.45338278
##  [31]  0.89750742  0.14206956  1.95429835 -0.48897555  1.80422367 -0.07267040
##  [37]  0.37214130  0.52637489  0.51376075 -0.35768879  1.81428245 -0.64498322
##  [43]  1.70741538  1.25915213 -0.74155852  1.55484617  2.00225544  1.52720488
##  [49]  0.24514070  0.20611915  2.04747359  0.06711241  0.19957596 -0.05519438
##  [55]  0.07565800  1.12935373  0.54059317 -0.01754597  1.05356019  2.46944180
##  [61]  0.84945033  1.00833313 -0.21780125  2.02682069 -0.57149675  1.46281827
##  [67]  1.90030195  1.46423674  1.36316431 -0.05017148  0.06469782  0.10936765
##  [73] -0.08909496  0.44140468  1.12079397 -0.81932756  0.25639885  0.23855396
##  [79]  1.36307727  2.01952219  2.19221909 -0.76707711  2.75283310 -0.24127963
##  [85]  0.59253184  0.19868274  0.35389085  1.12819715  2.19380228  1.45718251
##  [91]  1.59037916 -0.39041035  0.05300453  0.35054629  2.34210110  0.12553015
##  [97] -0.31479299  2.26545109 -0.10928745  2.01119208  0.05136053  1.07374017
## [103]  0.94844780  0.18075501  0.56652030  0.20923867  1.86753963  0.53297570
## [109]  1.14141042  0.21136276  0.33100929  0.12398347  0.35070277  0.84358777
## [115]  1.70790511  1.00153860  1.32403269 -0.28694090 -0.34879775  1.89598465
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates           y
## 1      (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.53743845
## 14   (0.08103577, 1.532909)  0.55305302
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 21     (2.966763, 4.853776) -0.51583288
## 38    (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.39200325
## 44     (7.749321, 1.982572)  2.45224610
## 47     (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.46870404
## 57    (9.762721, 0.4147048) -0.83850625
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.20288446
## 62     (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.56486332
## 69      (2.30139, 2.316288)  0.34714237
## 73     (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.29634764
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.04750996
## 94   (0.6571936, 0.4387302) -0.41252901
## 95  (0.08806119, 0.5143986) -0.06575674
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.34056966
## 105    (2.643127, 3.840452) -0.33815598
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 108    (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.22527352
## 110   (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.16998111
## 113  (0.1885503, 0.4932166)  0.04573421
## 117     (7.35261, 4.109116)  1.48250737
## 121    (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.47356353
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.32963470
## 134    (3.880409, 2.499269)  0.56993188
## 137    (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.13305590
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.03912215
## 160  (0.6978112, 0.1516993) -0.27549393
## 165    (8.182293, 3.839233)  1.58968708
## 166      (1.173343, 3.9047)  0.45338278
## 169    (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.89750742
## 170    (3.176252, 3.813355)  0.14206956
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.95429835
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.48897555
## 182    (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 186    (3.731879, 3.563026) -0.07267040
## 192      (2.099873, 4.8055)  0.37214130
## 198     (1.34756, 4.667505)  0.52637489
## 200    (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.51376075
## 223   (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.35768879
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 229   (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.64498322
## 232   (8.006751, 0.5595053)  1.70741538
## 233   (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.25915213
## 235  (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.74155852
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.55484617
## 242    (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.00225544
## 243   (5.943374, 0.1076233)  1.52720488
## 249  (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.24514070
## 256    (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.20611915
## 260    (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.04747359
## 266 (4.791258, 0.008181592)  0.06711241
## 269    (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.19957596
## 275    (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.05519438
## 278   (0.3647306, 1.350921)  0.07565800
## 283     (8.665013, 1.90649)  1.12935373
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.54059317
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.01754597
## 296     (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.05356019
## 297    (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.46944180
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.84945033
## 303     (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 304    (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.21780125
## 313    (6.887628, 2.386156)  2.02682069
## 321    (9.322777, 4.508249) -0.57149675
## 323    (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.46281827
## 329    (6.016213, 1.038579)  1.90030195
## 331     (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.46423674
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.36316431
## 340    (4.088476, 3.384361) -0.05017148
## 341    (4.849703, 4.900245)  0.06469782
## 358    (2.561338, 2.454977)  0.10936765
## 374    (9.219679, 1.882409) -0.08909496
## 375   (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.44140468
## 381     (1.20655, 1.498399)  1.12079397
## 386   (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.81932756
## 388   (3.266905, 0.6505034)  0.25639885
## 391   (0.2518638, 2.705812)  0.23855396
## 392    (8.240605, 3.287507)  1.36307727
## 393    (5.114314, 2.880658)  2.01952219
## 394    (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.19221909
## 395    (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.76707711
## 396     (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.75283310
## 397  (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.24127963
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.59253184
## 411    (3.425402, 4.413912)  0.19868274
## 418     (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.35389085
## 420    (6.385012, 3.584249)  1.12819715
## 421    (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.19380228
## 423    (1.854198, 4.976591)  1.45718251
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.59037916
## 429    (3.072225, 2.134001) -0.39041035
## 431    (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.05300453
## 439   (2.175135, 0.2185995)  0.35054629
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.34210110
## 463    (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.12553015
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.31479299
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.26545109
## 488    (1.785281, 3.634364) -0.10928745
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.01119208
## 497    (3.580266, 3.308743)  0.05136053
## 498     (8.718459, 4.42073)  1.07374017
## 501    (8.893126, 4.430691)  0.94844780
## 503   (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.18075501
## 506    (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.56652030
## 511    (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.20923867
## 514   (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.86753963
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.53297570
## 520     (6.785558, 2.92853)  1.14141042
## 529     (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.21136276
## 530    (2.902894, 1.402524)  0.33100929
## 541     (3.923405, 1.38267)  0.12398347
## 558    (4.512907, 3.821817)  0.35070277
## 561    (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.84358777
## 566    (6.371434, 1.049121)  1.70790511
## 569    (7.045365, 1.403122)  1.00153860
## 579    (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.32403269
## 585    (9.933495, 4.313985) -0.28694090
## 592    (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.34879775
## 593    (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.89598465
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -0.8385063  2.7528331
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 19.58167 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1]  1.53743845  0.55305302 -0.16292082 -0.51583288 -0.39200325  2.45224610
##   [7]  2.46870404 -0.83850625  0.20288446  1.56486332  0.34714237  1.29634764
##  [13]  0.04750996 -0.41252901 -0.06575674  0.34056966 -0.33815598  1.04917938
##  [19]  0.22527352  0.16998111  0.04573421  1.48250737  0.47356353  1.32963470
##  [25]  0.56993188  1.13305590  0.03912215 -0.27549393  1.58968708  0.45338278
##  [31]  0.89750742  0.14206956  1.95429835 -0.48897555  1.80422367 -0.07267040
##  [37]  0.37214130  0.52637489  0.51376075 -0.35768879  1.81428245 -0.64498322
##  [43]  1.70741538  1.25915213 -0.74155852  1.55484617  2.00225544  1.52720488
##  [49]  0.24514070  0.20611915  2.04747359  0.06711241  0.19957596 -0.05519438
##  [55]  0.07565800  1.12935373  0.54059317 -0.01754597  1.05356019  2.46944180
##  [61]  0.84945033  1.00833313 -0.21780125  2.02682069 -0.57149675  1.46281827
##  [67]  1.90030195  1.46423674  1.36316431 -0.05017148  0.06469782  0.10936765
##  [73] -0.08909496  0.44140468  1.12079397 -0.81932756  0.25639885  0.23855396
##  [79]  1.36307727  2.01952219  2.19221909 -0.76707711  2.75283310 -0.24127963
##  [85]  0.59253184  0.19868274  0.35389085  1.12819715  2.19380228  1.45718251
##  [91]  1.59037916 -0.39041035  0.05300453  0.35054629  2.34210110  0.12553015
##  [97] -0.31479299  2.26545109 -0.10928745  2.01119208  0.05136053  1.07374017
## [103]  0.94844780  0.18075501  0.56652030  0.20923867  1.86753963  0.53297570
## [109]  1.14141042  0.21136276  0.33100929  0.12398347  0.35070277  0.84358777
## [115]  1.70790511  1.00153860  1.32403269 -0.28694090 -0.34879775  1.89598465
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                 coordinates           y
## 1      (8.594981, 2.680497)  1.53743845
## 14   (0.08103577, 1.532909)  0.55305302
## 20    (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 21     (2.966763, 4.853776) -0.51583288
## 38    (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.39200325
## 44     (7.749321, 1.982572)  2.45224610
## 47     (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.46870404
## 57    (9.762721, 0.4147048) -0.83850625
## 59     (2.589966, 1.384391)  0.20288446
## 62     (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.56486332
## 69      (2.30139, 2.316288)  0.34714237
## 73     (1.839418, 4.983126)  1.29634764
## 82     (4.059255, 1.356691)  0.04750996
## 94   (0.6571936, 0.4387302) -0.41252901
## 95  (0.08806119, 0.5143986) -0.06575674
## 102   (4.765848, 0.4044027)  0.34056966
## 105    (2.643127, 3.840452) -0.33815598
## 106    (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 108    (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.22527352
## 110   (0.5791003, 1.036138)  0.16998111
## 113  (0.1885503, 0.4932166)  0.04573421
## 117     (7.35261, 4.109116)  1.48250737
## 121    (1.652152, 3.872303)  0.47356353
## 133    (6.247239, 3.774221)  1.32963470
## 134    (3.880409, 2.499269)  0.56993188
## 137    (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.13305590
## 159      (2.672858, 2.8466)  0.03912215
## 160  (0.6978112, 0.1516993) -0.27549393
## 165    (8.182293, 3.839233)  1.58968708
## 166      (1.173343, 3.9047)  0.45338278
## 169    (9.583845, 3.296534)  0.89750742
## 170    (3.176252, 3.813355)  0.14206956
## 177    (4.662933, 2.045562)  1.95429835
## 180   (0.5118592, 2.174813) -0.48897555
## 182    (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 186    (3.731879, 3.563026) -0.07267040
## 192      (2.099873, 4.8055)  0.37214130
## 198     (1.34756, 4.667505)  0.52637489
## 200    (9.767728, 3.282002)  0.51376075
## 223   (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.35768879
## 228   (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 229   (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.64498322
## 232   (8.006751, 0.5595053)  1.70741538
## 233   (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.25915213
## 235  (0.06785675, 4.305523) -0.74155852
## 236    (4.468248, 2.066052)  1.55484617
## 242    (8.072817, 1.522355)  2.00225544
## 243   (5.943374, 0.1076233)  1.52720488
## 249  (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.24514070
## 256    (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.20611915
## 260    (6.118998, 2.926033)  2.04747359
## 266 (4.791258, 0.008181592)  0.06711241
## 269    (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.19957596
## 275    (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.05519438
## 278   (0.3647306, 1.350921)  0.07565800
## 283     (8.665013, 1.90649)  1.12935373
## 289   (3.354675, 0.7675957)  0.54059317
## 292    (1.834092, 3.643435) -0.01754597
## 296     (3.302644, 1.23206)  1.05356019
## 297    (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.46944180
## 301    (1.444304, 4.755057)  0.84945033
## 303     (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 304    (4.816272, 4.716079) -0.21780125
## 313    (6.887628, 2.386156)  2.02682069
## 321    (9.322777, 4.508249) -0.57149675
## 323    (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.46281827
## 329    (6.016213, 1.038579)  1.90030195
## 331     (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.46423674
## 339    (8.706238, 2.977778)  1.36316431
## 340    (4.088476, 3.384361) -0.05017148
## 341    (4.849703, 4.900245)  0.06469782
## 358    (2.561338, 2.454977)  0.10936765
## 374    (9.219679, 1.882409) -0.08909496
## 375   (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.44140468
## 381     (1.20655, 1.498399)  1.12079397
## 386   (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.81932756
## 388   (3.266905, 0.6505034)  0.25639885
## 391   (0.2518638, 2.705812)  0.23855396
## 392    (8.240605, 3.287507)  1.36307727
## 393    (5.114314, 2.880658)  2.01952219
## 394    (7.667077, 2.524956)  2.19221909
## 395    (9.380045, 4.652021) -0.76707711
## 396     (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.75283310
## 397  (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.24127963
## 399    (2.867936, 1.557783)  0.59253184
## 411    (3.425402, 4.413912)  0.19868274
## 418     (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.35389085
## 420    (6.385012, 3.584249)  1.12819715
## 421    (4.938933, 1.214062)  2.19380228
## 423    (1.854198, 4.976591)  1.45718251
## 427     (6.776022, 4.09754)  1.59037916
## 429    (3.072225, 2.134001) -0.39041035
## 431    (1.532962, 3.645054)  0.05300453
## 439   (2.175135, 0.2185995)  0.35054629
## 458   (8.399722, 0.4625542)  2.34210110
## 463    (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.12553015
## 471     (2.48399, 2.618035) -0.31479299
## 479    (7.502298, 1.367884)  2.26545109
## 488    (1.785281, 3.634364) -0.10928745
## 494   (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.01119208
## 497    (3.580266, 3.308743)  0.05136053
## 498     (8.718459, 4.42073)  1.07374017
## 501    (8.893126, 4.430691)  0.94844780
## 503   (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.18075501
## 506    (9.655488, 2.738529)  0.56652030
## 511    (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.20923867
## 514   (5.797955, 0.4818001)  1.86753963
## 515    (1.320147, 1.120956)  0.53297570
## 520     (6.785558, 2.92853)  1.14141042
## 529     (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.21136276
## 530    (2.902894, 1.402524)  0.33100929
## 541     (3.923405, 1.38267)  0.12398347
## 558    (4.512907, 3.821817)  0.35070277
## 561    (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.84358777
## 566    (6.371434, 1.049121)  1.70790511
## 569    (7.045365, 1.403122)  1.00153860
## 579    (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.32403269
## 585    (9.933495, 4.313985) -0.28694090
## 592    (9.682872, 1.397534) -0.34879775
## 593    (5.245938, 2.986664)  1.89598465
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -0.8385063  2.7528331
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 37.06258 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -1.46974693  0.49761528  0.56697452  3.12668073 -0.16292082  2.43810372
##   [7] -0.26348734 -0.39200325 -0.50374744  0.24440133  0.25930291  0.29222210
##  [13]  0.83212403 -0.65896898  1.31036235  0.77849308  1.52956805 -0.12011722
##  [19]  1.38857798  1.14831985  1.83790954  0.78653890  0.63008463 -0.09459863
##  [25]  0.15170125  1.04917938  0.22527352 -0.03876369  3.08037268  0.87821890
##  [31]  2.15401446  1.64273666  1.60085031  0.54727142  0.56250442  1.80422367
##  [37]  1.74638563 -0.07267040 -0.42042780 -0.33608851  2.28876833 -1.21552417
##  [43]  0.45265241  1.63272202 -0.35768879  1.81428245  0.45383565  2.42878501
##  [49]  1.16926061  0.20611915  1.39715608  0.19957596 -0.05519438  0.21037486
##  [55]  2.46026323  0.30015425  2.46944180  1.14275878  0.04278465  1.00833313
##  [61]  0.53465341  2.02682069  2.99516338 -0.13488276  1.46423674  0.49511384
##  [67]  1.41323082  0.06648466  2.80711148  1.07319567 -0.17757734  0.10290848
##  [73]  0.12411120  0.44140468  1.01689425 -0.48517945  1.56985695  2.75283310
##  [79] -0.24127963  2.92319131  0.90132995  0.47626779  0.79723095  2.98703852
##  [85]  0.18384092  0.35389085  1.45718251  1.07694075 -0.04743201 -0.17965470
##  [91] -0.73096004  0.22143637 -0.12109303  0.66526987  0.48390227  0.85408238
##  [97] -0.89204581 -0.90493241  0.23475914  1.24945835  1.54977192  2.01119208
## [103]  0.94844780  2.19841141  0.84898807 -0.65949871  0.70986430  0.89878352
## [109]  0.12398347 -0.39010383  1.00153860  0.21089302 -0.14249520  0.53981300
## [115] -0.28694090  1.40415252  2.16217792 -0.45737361 -0.10629846  0.16048350
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates           y
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.46974693
## 10    (1.353344, 1.956849)  0.49761528
## 12    (2.316051, 1.865139)  0.56697452
## 18    (6.517283, 0.410103)  3.12668073
## 20   (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 27    (4.902559, 1.948775)  2.43810372
## 31    (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.26348734
## 38   (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.39200325
## 40    (2.572323, 4.448756) -0.50374744
## 45     (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.24440133
## 46    (6.415629, 4.498005)  0.25930291
## 48    (2.265546, 2.167373)  0.29222210
## 49    (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.83212403
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.65896898
## 53     (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.31036235
## 55     (8.930659, 2.28618)  0.77849308
## 67     (8.277897, 1.25123)  1.52956805
## 70  (0.8881443, 0.1772808) -0.12011722
## 71    (6.351936, 3.050798)  1.38857798
## 72    (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.14831985
## 88    (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.83790954
## 91    (8.159941, 4.958288)  0.78653890
## 97    (8.696154, 1.127887)  0.63008463
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.09459863
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.15170125
## 106   (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 108   (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.22527352
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.03876369
## 122   (6.040476, 1.911682)  3.08037268
## 123    (8.257604, 4.93522)  0.87821890
## 131    (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.15401446
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.64273666
## 136   (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.60085031
## 154   (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.54727142
## 158   (3.250279, 1.741229)  0.56250442
## 182   (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 183   (6.638664, 1.904938)  1.74638563
## 186   (3.731879, 3.563026) -0.07267040
## 187   (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.42042780
## 191   (3.240884, 4.689355) -0.33608851
## 193   (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.28876833
## 199  (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.21552417
## 219   (1.146435, 4.326072)  0.45265241
## 220   (4.712784, 1.508073)  1.63272202
## 223  (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.35768879
## 228  (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 238   (7.932701, 4.649456)  0.45383565
## 252  (5.731279, 0.8910044)  2.42878501
## 255   (8.762269, 4.387986)  1.16926061
## 256   (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.20611915
## 263   (6.895698, 4.030652)  1.39715608
## 269   (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.19957596
## 275   (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.05519438
## 282    (3.535728, 4.42935)  0.21037486
## 286    (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.46026323
## 295   (1.040102, 3.784912)  0.30015425
## 297   (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.46944180
## 298   (6.904089, 1.139497)  1.14275878
## 300   (4.150255, 4.517357)  0.04278465
## 303    (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 306   (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.53465341
## 313   (6.887628, 2.386156)  2.02682069
## 327   (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.99516338
## 330    (2.631807, 2.51796) -0.13488276
## 331    (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.46423674
## 335   (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.49511384
## 336   (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.41323082
## 337   (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.06648466
## 346   (5.569291, 2.158475)  2.80711148
## 349   (8.906574, 4.158312)  1.07319567
## 354   (1.300415, 2.168761) -0.17757734
## 355   (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.10290848
## 360   (2.793963, 2.837331)  0.12411120
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.44140468
## 377   (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.01689425
## 379   (3.020144, 4.975152) -0.48517945
## 384   (8.538898, 4.076565)  1.56985695
## 396    (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.75283310
## 397 (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.24127963
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.92319131
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.90132995
## 406  (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.47626779
## 407  (0.0520811, 1.639886)  0.79723095
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.98703852
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.18384092
## 418    (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.35389085
## 423   (1.854198, 4.976591)  1.45718251
## 426   (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.07694075
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.04743201
## 433   (2.703542, 2.394874) -0.17965470
## 435    (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.73096004
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.22143637
## 445    (6.291269, 4.64161) -0.12109303
## 451   (9.299994, 3.184579)  0.66526987
## 464   (4.271672, 1.059567)  0.48390227
## 472    (1.34266, 1.649327)  0.85408238
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.89204581
## 476   (4.199683, 4.884416) -0.90493241
## 478     (0.79699, 3.68323)  0.23475914
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.24945835
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.54977192
## 494  (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.01119208
## 501   (8.893126, 4.430691)  0.94844780
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.19841141
## 518   (2.404973, 2.076959)  0.84898807
## 521   (9.691892, 0.352174) -0.65949871
## 537 (4.074469, 0.08165678)  0.70986430
## 540   (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.89878352
## 541    (3.923405, 1.38267)  0.12398347
## 568   (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.39010383
## 569   (7.045365, 1.403122)  1.00153860
## 570   (1.972781, 4.239834)  0.21089302
## 575   (4.297764, 4.576395) -0.14249520
## 577   (6.805287, 3.431517)  0.53981300
## 585   (9.933495, 4.313985) -0.28694090
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.40415252
## 587  (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.16217792
## 589    (1.831029, 3.16187) -0.45737361
## 590   (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.10629846
## 600    (2.94094, 4.315027)  0.16048350
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.126681
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 43.11286 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -1.46974693  0.49761528  0.56697452  3.12668073 -0.16292082  2.43810372
##   [7] -0.26348734 -0.39200325 -0.50374744  0.24440133  0.25930291  0.29222210
##  [13]  0.83212403 -0.65896898  1.31036235  0.77849308  1.52956805 -0.12011722
##  [19]  1.38857798  1.14831985  1.83790954  0.78653890  0.63008463 -0.09459863
##  [25]  0.15170125  1.04917938  0.22527352 -0.03876369  3.08037268  0.87821890
##  [31]  2.15401446  1.64273666  1.60085031  0.54727142  0.56250442  1.80422367
##  [37]  1.74638563 -0.07267040 -0.42042780 -0.33608851  2.28876833 -1.21552417
##  [43]  0.45265241  1.63272202 -0.35768879  1.81428245  0.45383565  2.42878501
##  [49]  1.16926061  0.20611915  1.39715608  0.19957596 -0.05519438  0.21037486
##  [55]  2.46026323  0.30015425  2.46944180  1.14275878  0.04278465  1.00833313
##  [61]  0.53465341  2.02682069  2.99516338 -0.13488276  1.46423674  0.49511384
##  [67]  1.41323082  0.06648466  2.80711148  1.07319567 -0.17757734  0.10290848
##  [73]  0.12411120  0.44140468  1.01689425 -0.48517945  1.56985695  2.75283310
##  [79] -0.24127963  2.92319131  0.90132995  0.47626779  0.79723095  2.98703852
##  [85]  0.18384092  0.35389085  1.45718251  1.07694075 -0.04743201 -0.17965470
##  [91] -0.73096004  0.22143637 -0.12109303  0.66526987  0.48390227  0.85408238
##  [97] -0.89204581 -0.90493241  0.23475914  1.24945835  1.54977192  2.01119208
## [103]  0.94844780  2.19841141  0.84898807 -0.65949871  0.70986430  0.89878352
## [109]  0.12398347 -0.39010383  1.00153860  0.21089302 -0.14249520  0.53981300
## [115] -0.28694090  1.40415252  2.16217792 -0.45737361 -0.10629846  0.16048350
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates           y
## 7     (9.251893, 1.280585) -1.46974693
## 10    (1.353344, 1.956849)  0.49761528
## 12    (2.316051, 1.865139)  0.56697452
## 18    (6.517283, 0.410103)  3.12668073
## 20   (0.8679275, 3.450187) -0.16292082
## 27    (4.902559, 1.948775)  2.43810372
## 31    (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.26348734
## 38   (3.918428, 0.4856529) -0.39200325
## 40    (2.572323, 4.448756) -0.50374744
## 45     (3.0784, 0.6510523)  0.24440133
## 46    (6.415629, 4.498005)  0.25930291
## 48    (2.265546, 2.167373)  0.29222210
## 49    (2.461592, 2.086142)  0.83212403
## 52   (0.2566116, 3.952345) -0.65896898
## 53     (7.553331, 4.20413)  1.31036235
## 55     (8.930659, 2.28618)  0.77849308
## 67     (8.277897, 1.25123)  1.52956805
## 70  (0.8881443, 0.1772808) -0.12011722
## 71    (6.351936, 3.050798)  1.38857798
## 72    (8.565509, 2.001331)  1.14831985
## 88    (8.412401, 0.798832)  1.83790954
## 91    (8.159941, 4.958288)  0.78653890
## 97    (8.696154, 1.127887)  0.63008463
## 99     (0.37575, 3.037941) -0.09459863
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.15170125
## 106   (4.899329, 3.021572)  1.04917938
## 108   (5.009973, 3.734563)  0.22527352
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.03876369
## 122   (6.040476, 1.911682)  3.08037268
## 123    (8.257604, 4.93522)  0.87821890
## 131    (7.778715, 1.20637)  2.15401446
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.64273666
## 136   (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.60085031
## 154   (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.54727142
## 158   (3.250279, 1.741229)  0.56250442
## 182   (6.634763, 1.831506)  1.80422367
## 183   (6.638664, 1.904938)  1.74638563
## 186   (3.731879, 3.563026) -0.07267040
## 187   (1.054956, 2.176588) -0.42042780
## 191   (3.240884, 4.689355) -0.33608851
## 193   (7.526312, 1.168505)  2.28876833
## 199  (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.21552417
## 219   (1.146435, 4.326072)  0.45265241
## 220   (4.712784, 1.508073)  1.63272202
## 223  (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.35768879
## 228  (5.952019, 0.4625379)  1.81428245
## 238   (7.932701, 4.649456)  0.45383565
## 252  (5.731279, 0.8910044)  2.42878501
## 255   (8.762269, 4.387986)  1.16926061
## 256   (1.455975, 4.208936)  0.20611915
## 263   (6.895698, 4.030652)  1.39715608
## 269   (4.085919, 3.174906)  0.19957596
## 275   (3.338752, 3.902063) -0.05519438
## 282    (3.535728, 4.42935)  0.21037486
## 286    (4.824225, 2.24806)  2.46026323
## 295   (1.040102, 3.784912)  0.30015425
## 297   (6.015682, 2.368481)  2.46944180
## 298   (6.904089, 1.139497)  1.14275878
## 300   (4.150255, 4.517357)  0.04278465
## 303    (7.65929, 3.225072)  1.00833313
## 306   (7.964013, 4.751293)  0.53465341
## 313   (6.887628, 2.386156)  2.02682069
## 327   (5.308246, 1.263132)  2.99516338
## 330    (2.631807, 2.51796) -0.13488276
## 331    (6.46699, 4.249964)  1.46423674
## 335   (7.433871, 3.547134)  0.49511384
## 336   (8.470498, 3.316764)  1.41323082
## 337   (3.685227, 3.038229)  0.06648466
## 346   (5.569291, 2.158475)  2.80711148
## 349   (8.906574, 4.158312)  1.07319567
## 354   (1.300415, 2.168761) -0.17757734
## 355   (5.019276, 4.813659)  0.10290848
## 360   (2.793963, 2.837331)  0.12411120
## 375  (2.524803, 0.2331395)  0.44140468
## 377   (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.01689425
## 379   (3.020144, 4.975152) -0.48517945
## 384   (8.538898, 4.076565)  1.56985695
## 396    (5.41961, 1.133036)  2.75283310
## 397 (9.489378, 0.06883399) -0.24127963
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.92319131
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.90132995
## 406  (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.47626779
## 407  (0.0520811, 1.639886)  0.79723095
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.98703852
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.18384092
## 418    (9.74798, 2.644043)  0.35389085
## 423   (1.854198, 4.976591)  1.45718251
## 426   (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.07694075
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.04743201
## 433   (2.703542, 2.394874) -0.17965470
## 435    (2.522604, 4.56852) -0.73096004
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.22143637
## 445    (6.291269, 4.64161) -0.12109303
## 451   (9.299994, 3.184579)  0.66526987
## 464   (4.271672, 1.059567)  0.48390227
## 472    (1.34266, 1.649327)  0.85408238
## 475   (9.556354, 1.116005) -0.89204581
## 476   (4.199683, 4.884416) -0.90493241
## 478     (0.79699, 3.68323)  0.23475914
## 483   (7.692362, 3.794863)  1.24945835
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.54977192
## 494  (5.940315, 0.5918995)  2.01119208
## 501   (8.893126, 4.430691)  0.94844780
## 504   (6.555589, 2.533826)  2.19841141
## 518   (2.404973, 2.076959)  0.84898807
## 521   (9.691892, 0.352174) -0.65949871
## 537 (4.074469, 0.08165678)  0.70986430
## 540   (8.695314, 4.444222)  0.89878352
## 541    (3.923405, 1.38267)  0.12398347
## 568   (4.128713, 4.176781) -0.39010383
## 569   (7.045365, 1.403122)  1.00153860
## 570   (1.972781, 4.239834)  0.21089302
## 575   (4.297764, 4.576395) -0.14249520
## 577   (6.805287, 3.431517)  0.53981300
## 585   (9.933495, 4.313985) -0.28694090
## 586   (8.321681, 3.618737)  1.40415252
## 587  (6.979652, 0.7663116)  2.16217792
## 589    (1.831029, 3.16187) -0.45737361
## 590   (9.821418, 2.777265) -0.10629846
## 600    (2.94094, 4.315027)  0.16048350
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.469747  3.126681
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 2.960031 mins
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d65e02f528>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.6522754718  1.8675323488  2.2189752063  0.1104985086  0.0891323305
##   [6]  0.6848180821 -1.5832415394 -0.2634873379  0.2004712612  0.2593029054
##  [11]  2.4687040427  0.8233452096  2.1207398852  1.5648633249 -0.5567564020
##  [16] -0.3651186419  1.8439041359  0.4261117342  0.1517012518  0.5100312939
##  [21] -0.3381559823 -0.0142939462  1.9887446938 -0.0387636892 -0.2378188838
##  [26]  1.6427366595  0.5699318773  1.6008503069  1.1330558975  0.0974233661
##  [31]  0.3055075621  0.5472714194  2.0629942178  0.6111675095  1.5896870826
##  [36]  0.0133957092 -0.0642870761  0.8663405042  0.1100284745  0.0006467918
##  [41] -1.2155241705  0.4968030036  1.1623135652 -0.3576887945 -0.2075829082
##  [46] -0.6449832153  1.2591521260  0.3766195395 -0.0449025706  1.8604373454
##  [51]  0.2451406958  1.7110149073  1.1692606102  1.5005172456  0.0187787194
##  [56]  0.2023161279  2.2903334908 -0.2823511613  0.0583994966  1.6323612971
##  [61]  1.4628182695  0.7189351589  3.0424718703  0.1378557569  1.3642549292
##  [66]  0.3011615701  0.2083792340  0.2172431826  0.5412591153  0.5141758262
##  [71]  0.4585031968  1.0168942543  0.7231515139 -0.8193275613  2.2183204358
##  [76]  1.0318960981  0.1316778837  2.9231913109  0.9013299513  0.4762677875
##  [81]  1.3534162488  2.9870385212  0.1838409242 -0.3050926664  1.0769407456
##  [86] -0.0474320080 -0.1796546978  0.3611232589  0.2214363677 -0.5199408157
##  [91]  0.7501942627  0.1255301487 -0.9048173408  0.0229865083 -0.9049324095
##  [96]  0.3192494010  0.6848114147  0.3051225152 -0.1092874532  1.5497719217
## [101]  0.2215840275  0.1807550094  0.2092386721  0.9058215384  0.2841348484
## [106]  1.1414104195  3.2126638823  0.0827173087  0.2113627611  2.6083920874
## [111]  2.3201752744 -0.0561288210  1.7026912816  0.0044152824  0.8435877705
## [116]  1.7079051081  1.3240326918  2.5852560917  3.0760798038  0.1604835019
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates             y
## 4     (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 8     (6.829195, 2.175178)  1.8675323488
## 17   (7.171219, 0.6764418)  2.2189752063
## 19   (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 22    (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 26    (9.476547, 3.220274)  0.6848180821
## 28   (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 31    (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.2634873379
## 32    (3.139815, 3.245004)  0.2004712612
## 46    (6.415629, 4.498005)  0.2593029054
## 47    (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.4687040427
## 56    (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.8233452096
## 61   (8.330253, 0.6725377)  2.1207398852
## 62    (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.5648633249
## 65    (3.236617, 4.972516) -0.5567564020
## 75  (3.555606, 0.04964721) -0.3651186419
## 77    (4.837289, 1.518207)  1.8439041359
## 79   (2.701634, 0.5726394)  0.4261117342
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.1517012518
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 105   (2.643127, 3.840452) -0.3381559823
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.0142939462
## 116   (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.9887446938
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.0387636892
## 129   (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.2378188838
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 134   (3.880409, 2.499269)  0.5699318773
## 136   (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.6008503069
## 137   (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.1330558975
## 138   (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.3055075621
## 154   (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.5472714194
## 157   (8.006261, 1.098344)  2.0629942178
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 165   (8.182293, 3.839233)  1.5896870826
## 173  (4.945315, 0.1631137)  0.0133957092
## 176   (3.616839, 3.995792) -0.0642870761
## 179   (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 188   (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 190    (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 199  (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.2155241705
## 202  (0.3005948, 1.242911)  0.4968030036
## 221   (8.112949, 3.098841)  1.1623135652
## 223  (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.3576887945
## 225   (9.726727, 1.922633) -0.2075829082
## 229  (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.6449832153
## 233  (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.2591521260
## 234   (8.818197, 1.159274)  0.3766195395
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.0449025706
## 245     (8.025849, 1.2649)  1.8604373454
## 249 (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.2451406958
## 251  (7.714442, 0.4997052)  1.7110149073
## 255   (8.762269, 4.387986)  1.1692606102
## 267   (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 281   (3.239895, 2.024304)  0.0187787194
## 284   (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 291   (6.249395, 2.186026)  2.2903334908
## 305   (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 312   (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.0583994966
## 315    (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 323   (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.4628182695
## 338   (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.7189351589
## 347  (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 352   (3.110281, 1.843244)  0.1378557569
## 359    (1.64506, 4.892264)  1.3642549292
## 361  (1.525337, 0.3967622)  0.3011615701
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.2083792340
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.2172431826
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.5412591153
## 367   (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.5141758262
## 368  (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.4585031968
## 377   (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.0168942543
## 385   (0.1455631, 1.26745)  0.7231515139
## 386  (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.8193275613
## 390  (7.080822, 0.7103087)  2.2183204358
## 398   (3.169447, 1.389839)  1.0318960981
## 401   (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.1316778837
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.9231913109
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.9013299513
## 406  (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.4762677875
## 408   (4.220999, 2.500984)  1.3534162488
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.9870385212
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.1838409242
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 426   (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.0769407456
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 433   (2.703542, 2.394874) -0.1796546978
## 437   (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 453   (2.585164, 1.817675)  0.7501942627
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.1255301487
## 468   (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.9048173408
## 473   (1.970576, 3.707312)  0.0229865083
## 476   (4.199683, 4.884416) -0.9049324095
## 480   (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.3192494010
## 482  (0.4507153, 1.140223)  0.6848114147
## 485   (7.459223, 3.585931)  0.3051225152
## 488   (1.785281, 3.634364) -0.1092874532
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.5497719217
## 499     (4.06451, 3.67308)  0.2215840275
## 503  (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.1807550094
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.2092386721
## 513 (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 517        (1.863, 4.2242)  0.2841348484
## 520    (6.785558, 2.92853)  1.1414104195
## 525   (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.2126638823
## 527   (1.714286, 3.745808)  0.0827173087
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.2113627611
## 534   (5.004813, 2.146085)  2.6083920874
## 542   (6.200097, 1.499073)  2.3201752744
## 547   (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.0561288210
## 549   (7.913127, 4.216393)  1.7026912816
## 560  (0.6022926, 1.861836)  0.0044152824
## 561   (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.8435877705
## 566   (6.371434, 1.049121)  1.7079051081
## 579   (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.3240326918
## 596    (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.5852560917
## 597   (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 600    (2.94094, 4.315027)  0.1604835019
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.212664
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 51.34518 secs
## [[1]]
## $family
## [1] "gaussian"
## $formula
## y ~ .
## <environment: 0x55d6d9a43f48>
## $response_data
## $response_data$BRU_response
##   [1] -0.6522754718  1.8675323488  2.2189752063  0.1104985086  0.0891323305
##   [6]  0.6848180821 -1.5832415394 -0.2634873379  0.2004712612  0.2593029054
##  [11]  2.4687040427  0.8233452096  2.1207398852  1.5648633249 -0.5567564020
##  [16] -0.3651186419  1.8439041359  0.4261117342  0.1517012518  0.5100312939
##  [21] -0.3381559823 -0.0142939462  1.9887446938 -0.0387636892 -0.2378188838
##  [26]  1.6427366595  0.5699318773  1.6008503069  1.1330558975  0.0974233661
##  [31]  0.3055075621  0.5472714194  2.0629942178  0.6111675095  1.5896870826
##  [36]  0.0133957092 -0.0642870761  0.8663405042  0.1100284745  0.0006467918
##  [41] -1.2155241705  0.4968030036  1.1623135652 -0.3576887945 -0.2075829082
##  [46] -0.6449832153  1.2591521260  0.3766195395 -0.0449025706  1.8604373454
##  [51]  0.2451406958  1.7110149073  1.1692606102  1.5005172456  0.0187787194
##  [56]  0.2023161279  2.2903334908 -0.2823511613  0.0583994966  1.6323612971
##  [61]  1.4628182695  0.7189351589  3.0424718703  0.1378557569  1.3642549292
##  [66]  0.3011615701  0.2083792340  0.2172431826  0.5412591153  0.5141758262
##  [71]  0.4585031968  1.0168942543  0.7231515139 -0.8193275613  2.2183204358
##  [76]  1.0318960981  0.1316778837  2.9231913109  0.9013299513  0.4762677875
##  [81]  1.3534162488  2.9870385212  0.1838409242 -0.3050926664  1.0769407456
##  [86] -0.0474320080 -0.1796546978  0.3611232589  0.2214363677 -0.5199408157
##  [91]  0.7501942627  0.1255301487 -0.9048173408  0.0229865083 -0.9049324095
##  [96]  0.3192494010  0.6848114147  0.3051225152 -0.1092874532  1.5497719217
## [101]  0.2215840275  0.1807550094  0.2092386721  0.9058215384  0.2841348484
## [106]  1.1414104195  3.2126638823  0.0827173087  0.2113627611  2.6083920874
## [111]  2.3201752744 -0.0561288210  1.7026912816  0.0044152824  0.8435877705
## [116]  1.7079051081  1.3240326918  2.5852560917  3.0760798038  0.1604835019
## $response_data$BRU_E
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $response_data$BRU_scale
## [1] 1
## $data
##                coordinates             y
## 4     (3.171651, 4.781028) -0.6522754718
## 8     (6.829195, 2.175178)  1.8675323488
## 17   (7.171219, 0.6764418)  2.2189752063
## 19   (2.405562, 0.3811053)  0.1104985086
## 22    (5.420688, 3.962653)  0.0891323305
## 26    (9.476547, 3.220274)  0.6848180821
## 28   (9.729591, 0.6214601) -1.5832415394
## 31    (1.139897, 2.083543) -0.2634873379
## 32    (3.139815, 3.245004)  0.2004712612
## 46    (6.415629, 4.498005)  0.2593029054
## 47    (6.133916, 2.230922)  2.4687040427
## 56    (1.194358, 1.263909)  0.8233452096
## 61   (8.330253, 0.6725377)  2.1207398852
## 62    (4.392852, 2.386175)  1.5648633249
## 65    (3.236617, 4.972516) -0.5567564020
## 75  (3.555606, 0.04964721) -0.3651186419
## 77    (4.837289, 1.518207)  1.8439041359
## 79   (2.701634, 0.5726394)  0.4261117342
## 101   (3.652162, 1.408331)  0.1517012518
## 104   (4.794563, 4.287101)  0.5100312939
## 105   (2.643127, 3.840452) -0.3381559823
## 114 (0.3681457, 0.1656634) -0.0142939462
## 116   (7.900359, 2.688549)  1.9887446938
## 120    (4.249329, 4.29261) -0.0387636892
## 129   (2.122513, 3.538558) -0.2378188838
## 132    (8.51408, 2.621992)  1.6427366595
## 134   (3.880409, 2.499269)  0.5699318773
## 136   (8.816728, 2.517827)  1.6008503069
## 137   (8.737418, 3.046678)  1.1330558975
## 138   (3.386237, 2.467673)  0.0974233661
## 148   (2.952294, 3.798363)  0.3055075621
## 154   (2.374789, 1.266402)  0.5472714194
## 157   (8.006261, 1.098344)  2.0629942178
## 162 (0.04170842, 1.677276)  0.6111675095
## 165   (8.182293, 3.839233)  1.5896870826
## 173  (4.945315, 0.1631137)  0.0133957092
## 176   (3.616839, 3.995792) -0.0642870761
## 179   (7.133719, 3.664549)  0.8663405042
## 188   (2.549621, 3.326859)  0.1100284745
## 190    (4.69608, 4.517929)  0.0006467918
## 199  (9.844768, 0.4520245) -1.2155241705
## 202  (0.3005948, 1.242911)  0.4968030036
## 221   (8.112949, 3.098841)  1.1623135652
## 223  (0.6469913, 2.240582) -0.3576887945
## 225   (9.726727, 1.922633) -0.2075829082
## 229  (0.4318224, 4.425763) -0.6449832153
## 233  (5.418842, 0.4105507)  1.2591521260
## 234   (8.818197, 1.159274)  0.3766195395
## 241   (1.874595, 3.270571) -0.0449025706
## 245     (8.025849, 1.2649)  1.8604373454
## 249 (0.04237858, 2.354691)  0.2451406958
## 251  (7.714442, 0.4997052)  1.7110149073
## 255   (8.762269, 4.387986)  1.1692606102
## 267   (8.52649, 0.9491271)  1.5005172456
## 281   (3.239895, 2.024304)  0.0187787194
## 284   (3.564393, 2.138836)  0.2023161279
## 291   (6.249395, 2.186026)  2.2903334908
## 305   (2.394938, 3.667676) -0.2823511613
## 312   (5.225333, 4.671745)  0.0583994966
## 315    (6.92358, 2.979684)  1.6323612971
## 323   (6.453924, 1.359498)  1.4628182695
## 338   (4.412435, 3.086132)  0.7189351589
## 347  (6.725699, 0.5021193)  3.0424718703
## 352   (3.110281, 1.843244)  0.1378557569
## 359    (1.64506, 4.892264)  1.3642549292
## 361  (1.525337, 0.3967622)  0.3011615701
## 362   (4.28908, 0.2965067)  0.2083792340
## 364  (0.7799563, 4.120957)  0.2172431826
## 366   (2.141775, 1.069482)  0.5412591153
## 367   (2.028375, 1.743929)  0.5141758262
## 368  (3.165539, 0.7068487)  0.4585031968
## 377   (2.043386, 4.998441)  1.0168942543
## 385   (0.1455631, 1.26745)  0.7231515139
## 386  (0.3792608, 4.790484) -0.8193275613
## 390  (7.080822, 0.7103087)  2.2183204358
## 398   (3.169447, 1.389839)  1.0318960981
## 401   (2.429153, 2.787073)  0.1316778837
## 404  (6.967856, 0.4228904)  2.9231913109
## 405   (7.611821, 4.278237)  0.9013299513
## 406  (2.737303, 0.2934272)  0.4762677875
## 408   (4.220999, 2.500984)  1.3534162488
## 409    (5.978169, 1.66948)  2.9870385212
## 415  (0.2242172, 2.201305)  0.1838409242
## 419   (0.49568, 0.3689271) -0.3050926664
## 426   (8.916793, 3.418483)  1.0769407456
## 428    (5.13768, 3.827838) -0.0474320080
## 433   (2.703542, 2.394874) -0.1796546978
## 437   (0.676825, 1.536298)  0.3611232589
## 443   (4.126111, 2.030218)  0.2214363677
## 452   (9.922463, 1.174754) -0.5199408157
## 453   (2.585164, 1.817675)  0.7501942627
## 463   (1.07915, 0.1059277)  0.1255301487
## 468   (9.067707, 1.249281) -0.9048173408
## 473   (1.970576, 3.707312)  0.0229865083
## 476   (4.199683, 4.884416) -0.9049324095
## 480   (2.660705, 1.382302)  0.3192494010
## 482  (0.4507153, 1.140223)  0.6848114147
## 485   (7.459223, 3.585931)  0.3051225152
## 488   (1.785281, 3.634364) -0.1092874532
## 490   (6.712682, 1.651357)  1.5497719217
## 499     (4.06451, 3.67308)  0.2215840275
## 503  (0.0994651, 3.900551)  0.1807550094
## 511   (9.472872, 2.282848)  0.2092386721
## 513 (4.075126, 0.07329848)  0.9058215384
## 517        (1.863, 4.2242)  0.2841348484
## 520    (6.785558, 2.92853)  1.1414104195
## 525   (5.426169, 2.184748)  3.2126638823
## 527   (1.714286, 3.745808)  0.0827173087
## 529    (9.060211, 4.91211)  0.2113627611
## 534   (5.004813, 2.146085)  2.6083920874
## 542   (6.200097, 1.499073)  2.3201752744
## 547   (6.314306, 4.658269) -0.0561288210
## 549   (7.913127, 4.216393)  1.7026912816
## 560  (0.6022926, 1.861836)  0.0044152824
## 561   (7.421051, 3.781989)  0.8435877705
## 566   (6.371434, 1.049121)  1.7079051081
## 579   (8.334271, 2.787907)  1.3240326918
## 596    (5.01427, 2.287343)  2.5852560917
## 597   (5.206548, 2.042345)  3.0760798038
## 600    (2.94094, 4.315027)  0.1604835019
## $E
## [1] 1
## $Ntrials
## [1] 1
## $weights
## [1] 1
## $scale
## [1] 1
## $samplers
## $linear
## [1] TRUE
## $expr
## $response
## [1] "BRU_response"
## $
## [1] "gaussian"
## $domain
## $used
## Used effects : field
## Used latent  : 
## $allow_combine
## [1] FALSE
## $
## $drange
## $drange$y
## [1] -1.583242  3.212664
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like" "list"    
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "bru_like_list" "list"         
## [1] "Time:"
## Time difference of 1.786695 mins

We can now look at the results by printing cv_result. Observe that the best model with respect to each score is displayed in the last row.

##           Model                dss               mse              crps
## 1    stationary -0.971048423945357 0.136218008749269 0.195433939428822
## 2 nonstationary -0.918203524245942  0.13330549192577 0.192334501784486
##            Best         stationary     nonstationary     nonstationary
##               scrps
## 1 0.523371460156383
## 2 0.521214116242807
##       nonstationary

The cross_validation() function also has the following useful options:

  • return_score_folds option, so that the scores for each fold can be returned in order to create confidence regions for the scores.
  • return_train_test To return the train and test indexes that were used to perform the cross-validation.
  • true_CV To perform true cross-validation, that is, the data will be fit again for each fold, which is more costly.
  • train_test_indexes In which the user can provide the indexes for the train and test sets.

More details can be found in the manual page of the cross_validation() function.

Further options of the inlabru implementation

There are several additional options that are available. For instance, it is possible to change the order of the rational approximation, the upper bound for the smoothness parameter (which may speed up the fit), change the priors, change the type of the rational approximation, among others. These options are described in the “Further options of the rSPDE-INLA implementation” section of the R-INLA implementation of the rational SPDE approach vignette. Observe that all these options are passed to the model through the rspde.matern() function, and therefore the resulting model object can directly be used in the bru() function, in an identical manner to the examples above.


Bolin, David, Alexandre B. Simas, and Zhen Xiong. 2023. “Covariance-Based Rational Approximations of Fractional SPDEs for Computationally Efficient Bayesian Inference.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
Lindgren, Finn, Håvard Rue, and Johan Lindström. 2011. “An Explicit Link Between Gaussian Fields and Gaussian Markov Random Fields: The Stochastic Partial Differential Equation Approach.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 73 (4): 423–98.