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In this vignette we explore how to build a directional graph model on a river network. The data is imported from the package SSN2.

Setting up the data

Here we take the data as is described in the Vignette of SSN2. We will use the geometry object from the SSN object to build the metricGraph object. We also load the observations and the relevant covariates. We assume that in the geometry object the lines are so that they go downwards along the river.


path <- file.path(tempdir(), "MiddleFork04.ssn")

mf04p <- ssn_import(
  path = path,
  predpts = c("pred1km", "CapeHorn"),
  overwrite = TRUE

To create the graph, we simply pass the SSN object as edges. This will automatically extract the correct coordinate reference system (CRS). We have found that, typically, SSN objects do not require merges.

graph <- metric_graph$new(mf04p)

Observe that this already added, by default, the observations and edge weights contained in the SSN object:

## # A tibble: 45 × 31
##      rid   pid STREAMNAME     COMID AREAWTMAP   SLOPE ELEV_DEM Source  Summer_mn
##    <int> <int> <chr>          <int>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <int> <chr>       <dbl>
##  1     1     3 Bear Valley 23519365     1001. 0.00274     1958 RMRS_M…      14.6
##  2     1     2 Bear Valley 23519365     1001. 0.00274     1952 RMRS_M…      14.7
##  3     1     1 Bear Valley 23519365     1001. 0.00274     1947 RMRS_M…      14.9
##  4     5     5 Bear Valley 23519297     1007. 0.00568     1932 RMRS_M…      14.5
##  5     5     4 Bear Valley 23519297     1007. 0.00568     1923 RMRS_M…      15.2
##  6    10     6 Bear Valley 23519307     1009. 0.00042     1940 RMRS_M…      15.3
##  7    13     7 Bear Valley 23519313     1010. 0           1940 RMRS_M…      15.1
##  8    15     8 Bear Valley 23519317     1013. 0.00297     1945 RMRS_M…      14.9
##  9    17    10 Elk         23519321     1025. 0           1950 RMRS_M…      15.0
## 10    17     9 Elk         23519321     1025. 0           1948 RMRS_M…      15.0
## # ℹ 35 more rows
## # ℹ 22 more variables: MaxOver20 <dbl>, C16 <dbl>, C20 <dbl>, C24 <dbl>,
## #   FlowCMS <dbl>, AirMEANc <dbl>, AirMWMTc <dbl>, rcaAreaKm2 <dbl>,
## #   h2oAreaKm2 <dbl>, ratio <dbl>, snapdist <dbl>, upDist <dbl>, afvArea <dbl>,
## #   locID <int>, netID <dbl>, netgeom <chr>, .distance_to_graph <dbl>,
## #   .edge_number <dbl>, .distance_on_edge <dbl>, .group <dbl>, .coord_x <dbl>,
## #   .coord_y <dbl>


## # A tibble: 163 × 17
##    <int>    <int> <chr>       <chr>     <chr> <int>     <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1     1 23519365 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1001. 0.00274     4.65  
##  2     2 23519367 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1002. 0.0071      0.839 
##  3     3 23519369 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1003. 0.0036      3.91  
##  4     4 23519295 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1010. 0.0147      0.0495
##  5     5 23519297 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1007. 0.00568     5.02  
##  6     6 23519299 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1003. 0.00104     0.992 
##  7     7 23519301 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1006. 0.00271     1.46  
##  8     8 23519303 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1009. 0.00055     0.597 
##  9     9 23519305 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1009. 0.00026     1.32  
## 10    10 23519307 Bear Valle… 17060205… Stre… 46006     1009. 0.00042     0.865 
## # ℹ 153 more rows
## # ℹ 8 more variables: h2oAreaKm2 <dbl>, Length <dbl>, upDist <dbl>,
## #   areaPI <dbl>, afvArea <dbl>, netID <dbl>, netgeom <chr>, .weights <dbl>

We can now visualize the river and the data

graph$plot(data = "Summer_mn", vertex_size = 0.5)

# Non directional models We start with fitting the non directional models. First for alpha=1:

#fitting model with different smoothness
model.wm1 <- graph_lme(Summer_mn ~ ELEV_DEM + SLOPE + as.factor(netID), 
                          graph = graph, model = 'wm1')

and then for alpha=2:

model.wm2 <- graph_lme(Summer_mn ~ ELEV_DEM + SLOPE + as.factor(netID), 
                          graph = graph, model = 'wm2')

We also create the cross validation results to see how the models perform. Here we see that setting α=2\alpha=2, i.e. one time differential, has a much worse performance compared to α=1\alpha=1, i.e. continuous but non-differential.

cross.wm1 <-posterior_crossvalidation(model.wm1)
cross.wm2 <-posterior_crossvalidation(model.wm2)

cross.scores <- rbind(cross.wm1$scores,cross.wm2$scores)
## # A tibble: 2 × 5
##   logscore  crps scrps   mae  rmse
##      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    0.787 0.277 0.717 0.358 0.503
## 2    0.814 0.287 0.737 0.375 0.517

Directional models

We now start with fitting various directional model. We start with having the “boundary condition” that at an edge the sum of the downward vertices should equal the upward vertices. That is if we have three edges e1,e2,e3e_1,e_2,e_3 connected so that e1,e2e_1,e_2 merge into e3e_3 we have at the vertex connecting them ue3(v)=ue1(v)+ue2(v). u_{e_3}(v) = u_{e_1}(v) + u_{e_2}(v). This is the default option in metricGraph and is created by:

res.wm1.dir <- graph_lme(Summer_mn ~ ELEV_DEM + 
                        SLOPE + as.factor(netID), 
                        graph = graph, model = 'wmd1')

Here one can see a big improvement by adding using the directional model over the non directional.

cross.wm1.dir <-posterior_crossvalidation(res.wm1.dir)
cross.scores <- rbind(cross.scores,cross.wm1.dir$scores)
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   logscore  crps scrps   mae  rmse
##      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    0.787 0.277 0.717 0.358 0.503
## 2    0.814 0.287 0.737 0.375 0.517
## 3    0.382 0.214 0.538 0.296 0.399

We could use other constraints. For instance in .. the authors used constraint not so the sum is equal but rather the variance of the in is constant which is obtained by ue3(v)=w1ue1(v)+w2ue2(v). u_{e_3}(v) = \sqrt{w_1}u_{e_1}(v) + \sqrt{w_2}u_{e_2}(v). here the weights are set by the edge weight h2oAreaKm2. To make this work in the metricgraph package one uses the following line

graph$set_edge_weights(directional_weights = 'h2oAreaKm2')
graph$setDirectionalWeightFunction(f_in = function(x){sqrt(x/sum(x))})
res.wm1.dir2 <- graph_lme(Summer_mn ~ ELEV_DEM + SLOPE + as.factor(netID), 
                                    graph = graph, model = 'wmd1')

Here we see a slight dip in performance but still much better than the symmetric version.

cross.wm1.dir2 <-posterior_crossvalidation(res.wm1.dir2)
cross.scores <- rbind(cross.scores,cross.wm1.dir2$scores)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   logscore  crps scrps   mae  rmse
##      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    0.787 0.277 0.717 0.358 0.503
## 2    0.814 0.287 0.737 0.375 0.517
## 3    0.382 0.214 0.538 0.296 0.399
## 4    0.503 0.228 0.597 0.318 0.409