Log-Gaussian Cox processes on metric graphs
David Bolin, Alexandre B. Simas
Created: 2023-01-30. Last modified: 2025-03-21.
In this vignette we will introduce how to work with log-Gaussian Cox
processes based on Whittle–Matérn fields on metric graphs. To simplify
the integration with R-INLA
and inlabru
models are constructed using finite element approximations as
implemented in the rSPDE
package. The theoretical details
will be given in the forthcoming article (Bolin,
Simas, and Wallin 2023).
Constructing the graph and the mesh
We begin by loading the rSPDE
, MetricGraph
and INLA
As an example, we consider the default graph in the package:
graph <- metric_graph$new(tolerance = list(vertex_vertex = 1e-1, vertex_edge = 1e-3, edge_edge = 1e-3),
remove_deg2 = TRUE)
To construct a FEM approximation of a Whittle–Matérn field, we must first construct a mesh on the graph.
graph$build_mesh(h = 0.1)
The next step is to build the mass and stiffness matrices for the FEM basis.
We are now ready to specify the and sample from a log-Gaussian Cox
process model with intensity
is an intercept and
is a Gaussian Whittle–Matérn field specified by
For this we can use the function
as follows:
sigma <- 0.5
range <- 2
alpha <- 2
lgcp_sample <- graph_lgcp(intercept = 1, sigma = sigma,
range = range, alpha = alpha,
graph = graph)
The object returned by the function is a list with the simulated Gaussian process and the points on the graph. We can plot the simulated intensity function as
graph$plot_function(X = exp(lgcp_sample$u), vertex_size = 0)
To plot the simulated points, we can add them to the graph and then plot:
graph$add_observations(data = data.frame(y=rep(1,length(lgcp_sample$edge_loc)),
edge_number = lgcp_sample$edge_numbers,
distance_on_edge = lgcp_sample$edge_loc),
normalized = TRUE)
## Adding observations...
## Assuming the observations are normalized by the length of the edge.
graph$plot(vertex_size = 0, data = "y")
Fitting LGCP models in R-INLA
We are now in a position to fit the model with our
implementation. When working with log-Gaussian Cox
processes, the likelihood has a term
that needs to be handled separately. This is done by using the mid-point
rule as suggested for SPDE models by Simpson et al. (2016) where we approximate
Using the fact that
from the FEM approximation, we can write the integral as
is a vector with integration weights. These quantities can be obtained
Atilde <- graph$fem_basis(graph$mesh$VtE)
atilde <- graph$mesh$weights
The weights are used as exposure terms in the Poisson likelihiood in R-INLA. Because of this, the easiest way to construct the model is to add the integration points as zero observations in the graph, with corresponding exposure weights. We also need to add the exposure terms (which are zero) for the actual observation locations:
#clear the previous data in the graph
#Add the data together with the exposure terms
graph$add_observations(data = data.frame(y = rep(1,length(lgcp_sample$edge_loc)),
e = rep(0,length(lgcp_sample$edge_loc)),
edge_number = lgcp_sample$edge_number,
distance_on_edge = lgcp_sample$edge_loc),
normalized = TRUE)
## Adding observations...
## Assuming the observations are normalized by the length of the edge.
#Add integration points
graph$add_observations(data = data.frame(y = rep(0,length(atilde)),
e = atilde,
edge_number = graph$mesh$VtE[,1],
distance_on_edge = graph$mesh$VtE[,2]),
normalized = TRUE)
## Adding observations...
## Assuming the observations are normalized by the length of the edge.
We now create the inla
model object with the
function. For simplicity, we assume that
is known and fixed to the true value in the model.
rspde_model <- rspde.metric_graph(graph, nu = alpha - 1/2)
Next, we compute the auxiliary data:
data_rspde <- graph_data_rspde(rspde_model, name="field")
We now create the inla.stack
object with the
function. At this stage, it is important that
the data has been added to the graph
since it is supplied
to the stack by using the graph_spde_data()
stk <- inla.stack(data = data_rspde[["data"]],
A = data_rspde[["basis"]],
effects = c(data_rspde[["index"]], list(Intercept = 1)))
We can now fit the model using R-INLA
spde_fit <- inla(y ~ -1 + Intercept + f(field, model = rspde_model),
family = "poisson", data = inla.stack.data(stk),
control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(stk), compute = TRUE),
E = inla.stack.data(stk)$e,
num.threads = "1:1")
Let us extract the estimates in the original scale by using the
function, then taking a
spde_result <- rspde.result(spde_fit, "field", rspde_model)
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## std.dev 0.365558 0.0981158 0.198040 0.358359 0.579154 0.344213
## range 2.082120 0.9200630 0.845135 1.895720 4.397150 1.578380
We will now compare the means of the estimated values with the true values:
result_df <- data.frame(
parameter = c("std.dev", "range"),
true = c(sigma, range),
mean = c(
mode = c(
## parameter true mean mode
## 1 std.dev 0.5 0.3655578 0.3442127
## 2 range 2.0 2.0821166 1.5783788
We can also plot the posterior marginal densities with the help of
the gg_df()
posterior_df_fit <- gg_df(spde_result)
ggplot(posterior_df_fit) + geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free") + labs(y = "Density")
Finally, we can plot the estimated field :
n.obs <- length(graph$get_data()$y)
n.field <- dim(graph$mesh$VtE)[1]
u_posterior <- spde_fit$summary.linear.predictor$mean[(n.obs+1):(n.obs+n.field)]
graph$plot_function(X = u_posterior, vertex_size = 0)
This can be compared with the field that was used to generate the data:
graph$plot_function(X = lgcp_sample$u, vertex_size = 0)
An example with replicates
Let us now test show an example with replicates. Let us first simulate replicates of a latent field
n.rep <- 30
sigma <- 0.5
range <- 2
alpha <- 2
lgcp_sample <- graph_lgcp(n = n.rep, intercept = 1, sigma = sigma,
range = range, alpha = alpha,
graph = graph)
We now clear the previous data and add the new data together with the exposure terms
df_rep <- data.frame(y=rep(1,length(lgcp_sample[[1]]$edge_loc)),
e = rep(0,length(lgcp_sample[[1]]$edge_loc)),
edge_number = lgcp_sample[[1]]$edge_number,
distance_on_edge = lgcp_sample[[1]]$edge_loc,
rep = rep(1,length(lgcp_sample[[1]]$edge_loc)))
df_rep <- rbind(df_rep, data.frame(y = rep(0,length(atilde)),
e = atilde,
edge_number = graph$mesh$VtE[,1],
distance_on_edge = graph$mesh$VtE[,2],
rep = rep(1,length(atilde))))
for(i in 2:n.rep){
df_rep <- rbind(df_rep, data.frame(y=rep(1,length(lgcp_sample[[i]]$edge_loc)),
e = rep(0,length(lgcp_sample[[i]]$edge_loc)),
edge_number = lgcp_sample[[i]]$edge_number,
distance_on_edge = lgcp_sample[[i]]$edge_loc,
rep = rep(i,length(lgcp_sample[[i]]$edge_loc))))
df_rep <- rbind(df_rep, data.frame(y = rep(0,length(atilde)),
e = atilde,
edge_number = graph$mesh$VtE[,1],
distance_on_edge = graph$mesh$VtE[,2],
rep = rep(i,length(atilde))))
graph$add_observations(data = df_rep,
normalized = TRUE,
group = "rep")
## Adding observations...
## Assuming the observations are normalized by the length of the edge.
We can now define and fit the model as previously
rspde_model <- rspde.metric_graph(graph, nu = alpha - 1/2)
data_rspde <- graph_data_rspde(rspde_model, name = "field",
repl = ".all", repl_col = "rep")
stk <- inla.stack(data = data_rspde[["data"]],
A = data_rspde[["basis"]],
effects = c(data_rspde[["index"]], list(Intercept = 1)))
spde_fit <- inla(y ~ -1 + Intercept + f(field, model = rspde_model, replicate = field.repl),
family = "poisson", data = inla.stack.data(stk),
control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(stk), compute = TRUE),
E = inla.stack.data(stk)$e, verbose=TRUE,
num.threads = "1:1")
Let’s look at the summaries
spde_result <- rspde.result(spde_fit, "field", rspde_model)
## mean sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant mode
## std.dev 0.500034 0.0170456 0.467194 0.499831 0.534115 0.499533
## range 2.180270 0.1628220 1.878200 2.174120 2.517350 2.162130
result_df <- data.frame(
parameter = c("std.dev", "range"),
true = c(sigma, range),
mean = c(
mode = c(
## parameter true mean mode
## 1 std.dev 0.5 0.5000337 0.4995332
## 2 range 2.0 2.1802663 2.1621306